We arose and got showered, then grabbed some breakfast, the campsite had a microwave so managed to have warm Wheat Biscuits mmmmm. We then got on the road heading to the town of Oamaru. We parked up right next to the Sunday market and had a browse, treating ourselves to some fudge before heading over to the Whisky factory. The Whisky factory had 3 floors and on the top floor was an art exhibit, which we had a look around. After that we headed back down to the tasting room and sampled 4 very tasty whisky's……. well tasty to me, after telling me she liked whisky Rachel soon changed her mind after the first sip, good news for me, meant I got to drink most of them and she became the designated driver, result. They told us that the brewery had not produced any whisky since the 1900's due and apparently they predict it will only have enough supply for the next 4 years. Plus it's the only Whisky Brewery in New Zealand. So if you want New Zealand Whisky you better buy some before 2016, feels good to be able to sample a soon to be extinct drink.
We then had a walk down an old fashioned street with stalls and shops selling little crafty bits and bobs. After another 5 minutes walking away from the street we saw a sign by the tourist information centre for a free film on the city, we quickly rushed in and enjoyed our lunch while watching it. The film made us realised that we hadn't walked down the main street yet so we headed that way to see some impressive buildings including the opera house before heading to the harbour area for a walk.
We then jumped back in the car and headed on, the windscreen wipers working away heavily against the rain. After half an hour we saw a sign for ?????? Boulders, we popped in paid the small donation and headed down to the beach. Along the beach were large boulders scattered around covered in cool cracks. We had a quick wonder around them then headed back to the shelter of the car and got back on the road.
We soon came to the city of Dunedin and drove through and onto the nearby Otago Peninsula, we drove along the curvy roads, which ran along the peninsula and had about a foot between the road and the sea with no barrier to stop you falling in. After a half an our we came to a turning for 'Larnach Castle' the only castle in New Zealand. We headed towards it and soon were driving up a hill into the mist. After a while we finally came to its entrance, annoyingly you had to pay to even see the castle. Not wanting to have driven all that way in the mist for no reason we handed over our cash and headed in. We parked up and had a speed walk around the castle and through the various gardens before jumping back in the car. On the way back down we looked at the entrance box where we paid and annoyingly no one was there, so if we had only been half an hour later we could have seen in for free.
We carried on around the peninsula and finally reached the end where there was an Albatross centre, we had a look around but unfortunately they had stopped the tours so we couldn't get to the observation deck to see them. We sat looking up towards it for a bit and saw some big looking seagulls flying and hovering near the point where we had been told the nests were so we assume we have seen them.
We then headed back a bit along the peninsula and stopped of at a little campsite and parked up. Very glad that we didn't have to pitch a tent in the rain and hoping that by the time we left the next day the car hadn't got stuck in the mud. We then cooked some grub and relaxed for the evening.
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