We awoke on the Wednesday after a lovely sleep and did some sorting and washing. We then had a potter into the town for a walk and a look around Cambridge. We enjoyed a lovely meal in the evening with Nan then I spent the evening teaching her how to update her works excel spreadsheet. She was obviously trying to get me back in the swing of stuff for me returning to work. On the Thursday we went for a little drive out to a nature park called 'Maungatautari wildlife sancuary', which had a walk in an area that had been trapped from pests, so that native birds could freely fly around. We had a walk around there, climbed a tree tower and saw lots of birds. There was also a bird Avery that you could walk through…….shame there were no birds in it. We then returned back to Nan's for some dinner and a relaxing evening watching 'My Sisters Keeper' before retiring to the comfy bed.
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