On Tuesday the 17th we got up and had a sort of final things and packed our bags. In the afternoon, Tony and Rebecca came round and we had a final catch up and then popped out to the shops with Becky to collect curry ingredients. We returned back to Nan's to start cooking some curries. I then headed to pick Nan up from work as she didn't have her car as it was in for a service, after driving round for an hour and getting lost I decided to park up and wait for her to ring. Finally she rang and said she had left an answer machine message saying one of her colleagues was giving her a lift, so thankfully I didn't need to find her. I headed back home and as I pulled in so did Alf, then shortly later Nan. Rachel had pretty much finished the curry's by then so we did some rice and onion bhajies to finish off then all sat down for a nice final meal together. Afterwards we had a few card games before having a quick dip in the hot tub. It was a lovely last evening with everyone to remind us what a fantastic time we have had in New Zealand.
On the 18th we woke up early and said our sad goodbyes. Thank you again Nan for having us, we had a wonderful time, can't wait to see you again at the wedding. We then drove onwards to Auckland arriving around midday and parking up for a rip off $24. We got out and did a self guided walk tour of the town and harbour area, with Rachel popping into a few shops along the way and popping into a cafe for a tasty BLT on Turkish Bread mmmmmmm. We then headed back to the car and drove through the rush hour traffic to try and find the campsite we wanted to stay in. After driving past the address at 902 Great South Road 5 times, we finally realised we were at the wrong great south road. We finally pulled up at the campsite at 7:30 to be greeted by a big CLOSED sign. Thankfully there was another campsite 2 minutes down the road which was half the price. Since it was late we decided to have a short walk out and found an Indian place and had a tasty curry, mmmmmm curry 2 days running. We then walked back and crashed out for the evening.
On Thursday 19th we awoke and drove into town doing it in less then a quarter of the time it took us to find the campsite. We found a much cheaper car park only $11 for the day woo hoo, and headed down to the harbour. We then jumped on a harbour tour, seeing the city skyline from the water and going past all the main sights. We got of at one of the youngest volcano cones in New Zealand called Rangitoto. It was only us and a German/Vietnamese chap who got off so the 3 of us walked to the summit through amazing volcanic landscape for some amazing 360 degree views. We then headed to some cool Lava formed caves and had a crawl through before having a speed walk back down to the wharf and just catching the boat. We then continued our tour around the harbour area seeing some more volcanic cones and some nice beaches before headed back to Auckland City Centre. We then walked to the car and drove to the campsite, this time finding it first time. We then spent the evening packing, tidying the campervan and eating all the leftover food.
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