Took the train to Lucca as seen in picture above. . Relaxing as left Sacha in charge of the van. 25 minute journey.
Lucca is very old and recommended but I found it touristy and less exciting than expected. Pizzeria after pizzeria. Had traditional slow cooked meal but it was exactly that - a meal that had been cooked for too long. At least I got some wifi time.
On the return journey met nice young girl from Hong Kong and a local lady and we had a good chat on the train.
Walking back I found a rock band revving up for the evening. I am glad that I am at the other end of town.
Took Sacha for a swim in a little river that I found in the park.
In the evening went to listen to the Perth youth orchestra playing in the beautiful Tertuccio Terme. Had an exquisite glass of wine and felt quite emotional in the delightful surroundings listening to the music.
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