Whilst sitting in the bar/cafe sorting out the wifi, it pelted down with rain. Rushed back to the tardis/tin tent as I had left the door open - I am so security conscious!
Am now soaked and taking off sodden/sodding top was agony with the sore shoulder. Eating Lidl's chocolate in the warm van almost makes up for it.
Mind you the inside looks like a Chinese laundry as the washing is inside drying off now.
Yesterday is a bit of a haze. There was some hard driving with a painful shoulder. Thought it was improving but not so.
Slept in a quiet but litter strewn car park. Took Sach for walk by the grungy river.
Then set up into the mountains of Gran Sasso D'Italia. The highest is nearly 3000mts and still had snow.
Then drove on expressways with loads of tunnels - one seemed about 10 kms long. There was some stunning scenery with those cliff top villages. However so much of the road is tremendously bumpy although the speed limit is 90 kms.
Muddled my way to the centre of Rieti for McD Internet but it wasn't working. So that was hard hot work for nothing.
Stopped along the way for a picnic but there are never any official picnic stops so sometimes difficult to find.
So zoomed on to a good campsite on Lake Trasimeno. It is big and spacious and I have found a corner for us.
Sach enjoys swimming in the slightly muddy lake. The picture above is of the campsite. There are many activities here and caters for young people but it is so spread out that you can find a peaceful spot. Although there was some awful singing coming from the village outside.
Had some drinks with some friendly Dutch people. There are mostly Dutch here.
The only Brit I met has a husband in hospital and there are being sent back caravan and all by their caravan club insurance.
I have stayed here 3 nights so tomorrow I leave to visit Siena and then travel north to where I can.
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