After hours of intense washing up, sweeping, keeping the fire roaring and sorting out bedrooms I finally managed to do my first activity 5 days in. I went white water rafting with Dave, a mate from River Valley, in a two man raft down the Rangitikei River for a few hours. It's a Grade V river which basically means a lot of nasty rapids to tackle along the way! After 10 metres into it I was having one of the best times yet in NZ.. Was great fun getting some surf.. Even backwards sometimes! Admittedly, it hurt when we fell in but it added to the adrenalin when we were actually in the boat as we knew what we were potentially in for! We returned 11.30 and had a big lunch which we desperately needed (well I did anyway) - I was spent! Then it was back to work, this time with a beaming smile though! Catherine is off horse trekking tomorrow morning which she's really looking forward to so expect another blog soon!
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