Our first day in Madrid and geeze it's good to be back in civilization. We just wandered around enjoying the sights of the city and getting our bearings. The streets are a little confusing but we had them and the metro sussed out by the end of the day. We went down to join a free walking tour at 3pm but couldn't find it. So we headed off for a tourist info centre. They had a pc so we looked up the tour and it turns out we were in the wrong place. At least we know where to go tomorrow. We noticed that the same mob were doing a tapas tour at 4pm so we raced back but missed that by 10 mins. Oh well.
We stumbled upon a Xmas market at Plaza Mayor which was beautiful. Just as we arrived we had our first touch of snow. It lasted for about 45 mins and just gave it a beautiful atmosphere. Guess we will be dreaming of a white Christmas. We also found where spiderman goes for holidays, although he has definately let himself go. It was so funny though because girls were running up and getting their photos taken with him and he was doing all sorts of action poses between puffing on a ciggie. Guess you don't need anything other than an unflattering spidey suit to make some cash here.
There was also a few famous people shooting a scene for what we guess is a Spanish soap. We didn't know them but there were crowds gathered round getting their photos taken with the celebs between takes. We took some pictures and may do some research down the track to find out who they were.
We finished off the day by seeing at movie at a cinema near us. The movie was called Cyrus but save it for DVD people. It was pretty weird.
Jac really felt the cold today. She was layered up but ended up having to wear my jacket too. What would she do without me? I must admit I did feel the chill a bit but I've still got plenty more clothes I can put on. Jac may end up having a pretty light pack because she'll have to wear everything she owns for Germany. It will be like cuddling a big marshmallow.
- comments
Jo Awww...!
Chrissy Poor Jac - it's -20 at my Dad's place in Scotland just now, I am soooo glad I'm not there!! Perhaps a 3rd set of thermals are required??
Margaret Ann and Roger woke up to quite a bit of snow in Mures in Spain today.... so i could be heading your way .... lol
cat clarke love to go to madrid. how long are you guys there for? xx
Jac Hey Cat - we were in Madrid for 1 week. You would love it! Margaret, we only got 1 day of snow but it was very fine & pretty! Hope Ann & Roger are having a lovely time! Chrissy -20 I cannot even begin to comprehend how cold that is! Three sets of thermals may be the only way I survive! Aww what???? I am no sooky la la!