We were so sad to leave Madrid and Spain. Especially when the alarm went off at 3am. We made our way to the airport and took forever to get to our plane due to the strike a few days before. However after a few hours of lining up we were flying south to the tiny island of Malta with a full plane and a girl with bad b.o.
Some places you go to you know within a short time that you are going to love it. Well we have arrived at one of these little gems. Malta is a beautiful island full of narrow streets and friendly people and everywhere you look is stone. There are magnificent buildings, fortresses, walls and fences all made of stone and the most beautiful harbors and clear water that you could ever hope to see.
When we arrived we had a chat to an info desk at the airport and decided the best way to get to our accommodation would be by bus. So we exited the terminal to the beautiful feel of warm sunshine on our faces. We removed our jumpers and took our place in the queue to wait for the next transport. The buses are old Leyland's with a lot of character. So we boarded with the masses and paid our €0.47 for the trip to Valetta. We chuckled as we sat there with our packs on our laps as they squeezed more and more people on and then we were off. They don't close the doors but with weather like this why would you bother?
We arrived in Valetta then grabbed a connecting bus, again for €0.47, out to St Julian's and found our apartment. As a result of being early due to the flight we couldn't check in so we dumped our bags and headed off to find some lunch. The food is very cheap so we found a nice restaurant and had an amazing feed. We love getting a great value feed and that seems like it will be the case all over Malta which is a surprise for a small island nation.
With full bellies we headed back to the hotel where we picked up our keys. They had a laundry so we decided to do washing before getting settled in the apartment. With that sorted we found our palace and had a much needed nana nap.
We woke in the evening and decided to go for a little explore. We wandered along the shoreline and took in the beauty of this little piece of paradise. We needed a snack so we settled on a little cafe on the waters edge. A game of soccer was on between Man U & Valencia so we settled in with the locals and kicked back with a feed and enjoyed some sport.
After the match had been drawn at 1-1 we headed back home for bed and an earlyish start in the morning. For a place so small they have a mountain of things that will keep us busy. Tomorrow we will start the planning for all the exciting things we want to do. We never thought it would be like this but a week just isn't going to be enough. Take note Ibiza, this is how it could have been you losers.
- comments
jill pantlin I just knew that it'd be the place for you. Have fun. xx