What a day! We stayed up quite late last night watching a show and then had a couple of drinks to finish the day before going off to bed. Les set the alarm and it duly sent off at 6.50. Getting dressed, I put my watch on and noticed that it was gone 8 am! :es had forgotten to put the clock forward, so we had quite a rush to catch the bus which left at 8.15. Anyway, we made it and the day started with a bus ride to catch a train at Voss. Change of train to Myrdal and then another train which took us to Flam. Stunning scenery all the way, woith snow still on the mountains. Waterfalls by the dozen and large sweeping forests into the distance. Bergen has an average rainfall of about 2-3 YARDS per year, so we were lucky to have wall to wall sunshine. Lunch at a hotel on the top of a glacial valley offered amazing food and fantastic views, before we travelled down a road with thirteen hairpin bends. We got back to Bergen at about 5pm, changed and met up for drinks before a marvellous dinner. Lers has gone off to play bridge and I have updated all our photos. Off to have a well deserved pint before bed.
- comments
Clare Enjoy your pint :) sounds fantastic xx
Sophie Apart from the rush for the bus it all sounds very relaxing!! :-)
Dawn Wilson Hope you've got your clocks sorted out now! Glad you are having fun :) x
Jenny Cole Not so sure about the 13 hairpin bends but sounds like you're having a great time. Enjoy every minute xx
Jason Sounds like a wonderful trip - enjoy!
Angela Oh poor Lesley I hate being the one to set the alarm. I stay awake all night worried I won't wake up on time. Glad to made the coach and had such a lovely time. Worked out how to see your pictures now beautiful.