Hello from New Zealand! Bit of a culture shock when we landed on Monday to only 10deg after being in 30deg! Arrived at Bill and Leahs house - they kindly put us up for the week in Christchurch. The first evening we met a couple of Bill and Leahs friends and went bowling, was good fun. Next day was laundry day - nothing exciting about that - except clean clothes which we were excited about!! Wednesday we finally made it into the city, had a look around cathederal sqaure and did some emergency shopping for warm clothes. We also randomly bumped into Martin and Mette - the danish people we met in Byron Bay, so arranged to meet them Thursday night. Thursday we went back into the city. Reminds us a lot of England with the older buildings. James finally got his hair cut - HURRAH! So the mullet has gone :( We did some more shopping and bought matching New Zealand Jackets - yep, we are gonna look so cool on our travels. That night a huge group of us hit the town, including Martin and Mette and some of Bill and Leahs friends. Had a very fun night, lots of Beer consumed and plenty of dancing. The night was abrubtly ended when Metta got thrown out (we're still not sure why!!). Then pie and bed. Friday we mainly recovered from Thursday night. Friday night we went to see the rugby - GO CRUSADERS! They lost :( Was still good fun tho! Went for a few drinks after, the girls were sensible and went home early while the boys stayed out, returning at 5.30am! The girls jumped out of bed the next morning feeling spritly while the boys took a while to recover!! We finally dragged Jim out of bed to go and pick up our rental car - it's a beauty! It's a Hyundai Accent in terracota - photos coming soon! That afternoon we headed over to the Christchurch Gondola. This is a ski lift type thingy which takes you up the moutains (if you can't be arsed to walk!), you get great views of the city and can see for miles! After we went to Lyttleton and went to a dodgy bar called WUNDERBAR - it's special! That night Clare and Jim were seperated for the first time in 10weeks!! James went to see Spiderman whilst Clare stayed in with the girls to play Singstar. Sunday we went to play Mini golf with Bill and Leah - Jim won after an impressive 3 holes in one! That night we had a big English Roast cooked by the girlies (while the boys lazily played rugby on the playstation). Was the best meal we've had for ages! Today we started our tour of New Zealand - lets hope the car makes it all the way round!!
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