Our last blog from Oz - Blub. Took our last Greyhound trip from Townsville (crazy ole Townsville - see previous blog!) and headed for Cairns. Have a really nice hostel here! No ensuite though :( First night was Quiz night at the hostel - after a dissapointing first three rounds we eventually caught up to miss out on being last - phew! Headed into town with some guys we met at the hostel, had a few beers, then a few more then headed home. Lying in the next moring the cleaner rudely disturbed us by barging in our room (think she was more embarrassed than us tho - getting a flash of Jims bottom that early in a morning!). We dragged ourselves out of bed and went for an explore of the town. Found the outdoor swimming pool which was really nice so chilled round there most of the day. Randomly met our friends from Byron Bay, Martin and Meta, so agreeded to meet up with them later. We were bragging about how good our hostel was and they should come and meet us there, which they did only to discover it was Bingo night! Suprisingly they were actually very happy about this and Martin even managed to win two Jugs of beer! Next day we headed out onto the Grat Barrier reef on a boat. Got to go snorkling (we didn't fancy diving), was really good. Saw loads of stuff including a turtle and two stingrays! We didn't find Nemo tho :( Although Martin and Meta said they saw him and assured us he was fine. That night we went out with Martin and Meta again, another very good night.
So the plan now is to fly back down to Sydney, then over to New Zealand - no more sun for us! Have had a really good time in Austrailia, but looking forward to something new! Take care fans - and remember a message on the board only takes a moment - but will live on for life!
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