Tuesday 10 July (Oban to Tobermory)
Sailing at last thank goodness! We set off early and were soon under full sail across the Firth of Lorn in a NW F4. The wind soon got up to 22-25k, so we took in a reef in main and Genoa, and still made 6k tacking up the Sound of Mull. Most unusually, Nick felt under the weather this day, and spent much of the trip resting down below, and David and Ian did all the sailing. By late afternoon the drizzle had set in hard and visibility dropped to less than a mile, so we had some fun practising our radar skills. We still managed to sail until we were about 2miles from Tobermory, and then motored in and were lucky (again) to get the last finger berth in the small marina. After a wander around the town (where I feel like a native now), and a couple of beers at the Treshnish Inn, we ate at Schmooze, another excellent restaurant.
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