Tuesday 1 May Dover PIC leaving DoverWe did get away at 1500 Tuesday, and were off Shakespeare Cliffs in a NE wind gusting 7 (26knots or close to a gale for the uninitiated) pushing us along through a confused sea with large surfing waves behind us. Cloudless sky, bright sun, but most of us in heavy weather clothes (Nick wasn't, but he's a hardy beast!). Hoping to clear all the headlands overnight and reach Cowes early afternoon tomorrow.Tuesday 1 May Rye Pic sunset over RyeWe had a windy and wavy passage W along the coast. We were joined by a dolphin at about 1930, who swam alongside us for a time, the crossed our bow and went on his (or her?) way. Shortly after that we passed off Rye at sunset, and put Catherine?s excellent beef casserole on the stove for supper. By 2300 we passed Sovereign Light (off Eastbourne) silhouetted against the ribbon of bright moonlight to port, with Venus high on our port side, and began our 2 hours on/off watch system overnight. Sleeping was quite hard because of the heavy swell and irregular bumpy ride.
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