Sunday 10 June (Bangor)
A spare day really, awaiting the Raymarine man tomorrow morning. After a walk right round the town, we had a leisurely Sunday lunch in the small sunny beer garden of Jenny's Bar (the oldest pub in Bangor, according to the sign), where there was a jazz band, and rather incongruously a bagpiper practising hymns in the next garden during their break! I updated the Clyde Cruising Club Sailing Direction books for a couple of hours, and wpent the evening on board reading and enjoying Radio 4, from which we (and especially Benj)had been suffering severe withdrawal symptoms since leaving the UK: our Long Wave reception was awful in Eire. There's a lot of yacht traffic in and out of Bangor marina, which many local boats seem to use for a few hours' stopover to explore the town or just to have lunch aboard, so there is always plenty activity to watch: people/boat watching in a marina beats many other sedentary activities on a sunny afternoon! And Cath was greeted by another friendly seal, seeking rewards from a local fishing boat!
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