The ferry over was nice and calm, although I was pretty happy to get off in the end as I'd started to feel a bit icky. We drove for a few hours to Palmerston North and stayed in the same campsite that me and Ant had on the way down. It was just a quick overnight stay on the way to Napier and we were on the road again the next morning.
We arrived in Napier around lunchtime and just hung out at the campsite until the afternoon, when we were due to pick up Hayley from the bus station. We'd had to stop to get her a tent before she arrived, as Mums camper was meant to be a 3 berth but the tiny hole where Hayles was going to sleep wouldn't have fit a 5 year old in. It was really good to see her after nearly a year and we were soon all settled in the campsite, having a few more glasses of wine.
The next day was my Mums birthday and so we organised to do another wine tour. They picked us up at lunch time at the campsite, although we were close to not going as Mum couldn't find her wallet. Turned out to be in Hayleys tent bag, which the boys put up so they got the blame! lol...
There was another couple from the UK on the same bus and we had a good laugh with them through the day. The first vineyard was called Moana Estate and we were walked around and shown where they make the wine. The owner had a dog taht kept playing with a stone. He dropped it covered in saliva on everyones feet, trying to get them to throw it. Gak! Then we got to try the wine (vegetarian wine also!) and we ended up buying a selection of 5 wines and one bottle of port for Christmas.
Everyone was on top form all day and we had a really good laugh with our driver. Mum wanted to go for a meal in the evening, so he booked us a table at his friends restaurant. After the wine tour, he dropped us back to freshen up - this involved opening and drinking a bottle of champagne - and then came back to pick us up for dinner, which was really nice of him.
The restaurant had a jazz band playing and just had a lovely atmosphere. After our orders were taken, we were all looking forward to some food when Hayley ran off. Then I realised that some of their old work friends had just turned up in the same restaurant as us! It was weird because although we knew they were in Napier, we hadn't been able to get hold of them. So they joined us for dinner and then we got a taxi back to the campsite and drank as much water as we could to prepare for the next day!
We spent the next day going round Napier town, which is all Art Deco, which my Mum and Ant love. We had arranged for Amanda and Lee to move to our campsite, so in the evening they joined us for dinner again and we had a good laugh, lsitening to the Proclaimers in Mum and Andys campervan. We went our seperate ways the next day, as they were heading to Abel Tasmen for Xmas and we were going up to Lake Taupo.
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