In Christchurch we went to the Antarctic centre, where they had a freezing room which was -8c, and then -18 with the wind chill. We had to put on massive coats to go in and I pretty much decided I never want to go to the Antarctic! Brrrrr.....
We also saw some tiny penguins and then got a ride on a Haggland, a tracked vehicle for use on the artic plains that can be used for anything and would float if the ice cracked. They took us over an asphalt course which was pretty cool and there was a small kids in ours, who was so scared his family just laughed at him the whole way round! Bless..
The following day we chilled around the campsite for a few hours and in the afternoon went to have our tattoos done. They started mine at 3.45 and it was finished by 5.15pm. I had given the guy a picture of what I wanted, but he decided to draw it free hand and change it a little. It hurt more than I remember the last time, but I was so pleased with it I quickly forgot about the pain!
Ant's tattoo was started at 4 and didn't finish till 8.15pm. He gave the guy an idea of what he wanted, but luckily he was brilliant and just drew something and Ant loved it straight away. By the last hour he was crying like a baby! No not really, but he was in quite a lot of pain as you can imagine. They cost us $140 per hour, so a pretty good deal considering they are both one offs! Love em!!!
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