We drove to Te Anau, the main town before Milford Sounds. Originally we had decided that we would go to Doubtful Sounds instead, as Milford would mean going back on ourselves. But then we got talking to some guys at the campsite and they said that the drive down to Milford was really worth it and that you could see plenty without having to pay $200 for a day trip.
So after lunch we jumped in the van and headed to Milford. About 10 minutes into the drive we saw a sign saying there was no petrol in Milford, but Ant assured me that we would be ok so we didn't turn back. The drive was exactly as the guys had said, stunning. Moutains covered in snow, streams running through it all and just great photo opportunities everywhere.
By the time we got to Milford Sounds, the petrol gage was at left than a quarter of a tank. We crossed our fingers and hoped that we'd make it back, otherwise Ant was in for an ear bashing! lol... We saw the mirror lakes which were stunning and took plenty of great pictures all day.
Then we headed back. Typically, we were trying to stick to the same gear so we could save petrol and then got stuck behind some woman who was more interested on chatting to her pal than driving so it was touch and go! We finally got to the garage with the gage reading just below nothing and Ants ears still intact! Phew...
On our last day in Te Anau, the skies opened and didn't stop all day long. In the campsite, they had a stunning TV room with an open fire and sofas so we just stayed in there all day enjoying some home type comforts and waiting for the rain to stop so we could walk to the pub for a drink. ;O)
Later on that evening I ran to the toilet before bed in a bit of a hurry, because it was freezing outside. When I got to the toilet, I realised I had one of my trainers and one of Ants (size 10!) on! Doh... I know your all thinking, how could you not realise! But I had massive thick woolly socks on ok!! Anyways, I had to walk out and wash my hands hoping that the girl drying her hair wouldn't notice. But she did and in the mirror I could see her watching me walk around the bathroom with a really confused look on her face. All I could do was burst out laughing and leave asap! ha ha ha
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