For New Year, some of Hayleys friends had hired a really nice house in Lake Tarawera. There were over a dozen of them in total and Hayley and her friend Kelly were sleeping in Kellys Mums camper. We dropped Hayley off and went off to Rotorua for a few days to chill out by ourselves.
We stayed in the Thermal campsite and for the first day just did nothing except read our books and take it easy. The next day the weather was a bit pants, so we ended up going to 'Off Road NZ' so that Ant could drive a buggy. It was raining when we got there and we got our water proofs on ready to go. I sat in the passenger seat whilst Ant drove extremely fast around a wet race course. He loved it, I couldn't wait to finish! lol... He was getting pretty good by the last few laps and even when the car drifted on the same place each time, he laughed his head off. I couldn't see a thing with the rain and mud flying up into the safety goggles we were wearing, so I felt like I was on rollercoaster with my eyes shut. Before we knew it, the lights turned red and Ant was pulling the car in. He absolutely loved it and wanted to have another go in the dry - me not so keen! lol... He got given his lap times and turned out he was the fastest of the day so far, which he was really pleased about.
After that we drove to the Agrodome and went to the sheep show. We were laughing about this, thinking 'imagine saying we were going to a sheep show at home!' lol.. when in Rome!
It turned out to actually be really good and we never realised how many different sheep there were! They got people up from the audience to do different things and in return gave them some dirty wool they'd just sheered off a sheep. Bonus! lol... They also brought in a cow and got a few people to milk it which was hilarious and again, there prize was a hand full of wool.
We had planned on going Zorbing after the sheep show, but when we went to have a look it seemed a bit expensive for a 2 minutes roll down the hill so we decided against it.
In the evening after having dinner, they had a show on at the campsite with Mauri dancers and stuff. They also got people up from the audience to do stupid things but it was brilliant. They asked a load of men and boys to come up to do the Huka, but they all had to take their shirts off. One of the boys was a little overweight and he pleaded with the guy to let him keep his shirt on. I think everyone there felt so sorry for him, especially when we got down on his hands and knees, but the guy said no and told him to move off stage and let someone else who would take his shirt off have a go! Ahhhh...
At the end, they got people up to sing or tell jokes. A couple of cute kids got up and told rubbish knock knock jokes that no one got but everyone laughed even more because of it and one sang twinkle twinkle - bless! For a free unexpected show, it was a really nice end to a great day.
We headed back down to the Lake for New Year and when we got to the house I was told Hayley was down at the beach. I noticed a couple of the girls doing yoga and at first thought I was at the wrong house but went to find Hayles and Kelly. When I got there, they were both steaming drinking champagne in the lake - much more like what I expected! lol... We had a few more glasses and headed back to the house for the evening and met everyone else that was there.
The following day we had to go do some shopping for some New Years eve food and drink, so we all went up to Rotorua. By the afternoon everyone was starting to have a few drinks, sitting in the lovely sunshine at the house.
We all had a nice BBQ for dinner and plenty more drinks, waiting for the New Year. By the evening we were playing ping pong tournaments and a few people had a go on my Poi Poi's which was hilarious! Got a couple of good video clips and some great pictures. I think by about 11, we were all starting to get a bit tired and drunk and so when 12 came it was a bit of a relief to know we could go to bed at any time! Hard core eh..! lol... Some of the neighbours had been doing a few fireworks through the night, but at 12 it all went off and we watched some of the best fireworks most of us had even seen! At about 1pm, Ant did a body swerve and went to bed without telling anyone! Sneeky sneeky! I followed shortly at 2 and we were awake at 10am the next day. The definate first for either of us on New Years!
Me, Hayley, Kelly and Ant went down to the Lake for a nice swim in the morning and then headed in Rotorua for lunch. We had a meal with everyone in the evening and then the next morning me and Ant headed back up to Rotorua for the night. We went for a lovely walk around Redwood forest and then to Chrissy and Waynes for a lovely BBQ, where Ant even got a go on Waynes brothers decks - which he loved.
The next morning we waited for Hayley to get dropped off at the campsite but she hadnt arrived by 10am, so we went for another walk around Redwoods. She called an hour later and we picked her up to make our way to Auckland to spend the next couple of days with my parents, before they went to Fiji.
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