Our first poper day in Arequipa and we had quite a bit to do, we had to decide with so little time what exactly we were going to cram in. We ate breakfast on the terrace above the hostel which has amazing views of the city and the snow capped mountains in the background. It is just stunning. We spent the morning going round all the tour agencies ( there are so many) to try and find the best price for what we wanted to do and finally ended up booking with our hostel as we trusted the safety of the operator more then the cheaper places. We booked onto a 3 day trek in the Colca canyon which is 6 hrs away but is the 2nd deepest canyon in the world. Mike was slightly worried it would be too easy and that we should maybe just do 2 days (ha ha it certainly wasnt)
In the afternoon we headed out of the tourist trap and into the depths of their crazy markets where they sell so much fake stuff it is really quite wierd that they all manage to survive when they all sell exactly the same items?? Anyway mike manage to buy himself some stripper pants. I really didnt manage to get anything, it was all a bit too wird for my likings. On our way back home we stumbld across the medical capital of the place and they were offering loads of crazy operations just off the street. Now obviously it being just the two of us one woman thought we might be a couple and so invited us inside to undergo IVF!??? Bloody hell I was nearly running away before we got dragged inside!
We had to get up pretty early the next day so decided to have a quiet night and Dan this guy at the hostel suggested we went to this chicken place for dinner. o we get there and each order a half chicken which to be honest would probably just be enough food to get our energy up for the trekking. After eating some salad they bing out this massive plate filled with chips each and then another plate filled with chicken. The locals were looking at us as if we were the biggest pigs in the world. I think they usually shared one with a family of 4! I had no chance of even getting closer to starting on mine so I bagged it up an thought id ive it to a tramp.
Ok so during the day they are everywhere. At night Ive realisd they are not actually homeless as they disappear (probably back to their lovely little shack somewhere!). Finally I found one and Ive never seen someone look so happy! Mike thinks she thought I had given her a bag of money...oh well!
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