This place is really paradise (except for the midgies). The mountains covered is forest vegitation and then the beautiful sea. Yesterday I went out on a yacht sailing to Blue Pearl Bay which was an all coral beach but did some wonderful snorkelling among the fish of all colours and sizes. As there where only 5 of us on the boat, the other 4 came from Abbottford (my brother lives there) the lass took myself and another lady out into the deeper water to see the coral just amazing. From there we sailed to a lovely sandy beach where the coral was close to the edge. Once again wonderful fish life and I saw 3 turtles one was very large and he just let me swim over the top. It was amazing to see a large school of fish swimming towards you and I thought what do I do now, but they just swam around me. Some cheeky blue ones swam right into your mask. Hopefully I will get some good pictures.
Today was a walk in the rain forrest, but as I was a bit sore from snorkling I didn't do the big walk. The has turned overcast but still warm.
Unfortunately the pictures of the fish didn't turn out but have some.
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