After first night sleeping in car woke relatively early and had not had the best nights sleep (it was soo hot like a sweat box in that car!!!). Went on beach first thing and threw the aerobie about before going in for an early morning swim, that certainly did the trick if I was not already awake!!! Had a shower on the beach shower along the seafront esplanade with shampoo bottle in hand, whilst everyone else was walking or jogging past!!!! Got some funny looks Im sure buy hey you have to keep clean somehow when sleeping out the back of a car....... Drove down the road and just 200 metres in front was a big car park with toilets, shower block etc, TYPICAL!!!
Began the drive to Cape Tribulation in the early afternoon and these were truly fantastic views on the way here once again. Had to get a ferry across to Cape Tribulation which took literally 5 mins and on drive up windy hills towards Cape Trib we stopped at 'Alexandra Viewpoint' Again awesome views across scenery below where a snake in a tree was also pointed out to us. Continued journey up road and found a car park with the 'Dubuji Boardwalk' This walk took you through fantastic rainforest scenery before opening up onto a big open beach at the end of it. How bizarre is that one minute walking through rainforest to then find yourself out in the open on a beach..........
After this we walked back to car and booked ourselves onto a Rainforest Nightwalk which began at 7.30pm. Guide or 'Crazy Scientist' as they like to be called picked us up from car park and proceeded to drive us to the start point of the trek. Absolute lunatic hooning along dirt tracks and rocky twisty roads whilst switching headlights off, funny mind you!! Were equipped with spotlights and headed off into rainforest. Saw a snake and couple spiders together with some lizards and couple birds. Quite interesting but little disappointing didn't see more, good fun all the same. After walk went for beer at bar back at car park and then set up for another night in back of car. Woke up in ealry hours of morning with a horrific ear ache and little blood coming out of ear, all I could think was that some rainforest spider had crawled in there and panted some eggs (clearly been reading too many stories of things like that happening to people!!!) Next morning after utilising the local hostels showers we were heading back down to Cairns to try and get some of the things we were intending to do down the coast booked up in one hit to try and save some pennies!!
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