G'day from WA
After spending a interesting night with the moo cows we cruised for about 4 hours to our next bush camp at Mary Pool. One endless source of amazement and entertainment for us are the termite mounds that range in size from 1/2 metre high to over 3 metres and come in every shape and configuration that you can imagine. They range from beside the road to as far as you can see and you would be able to count a thousand of them without moving in places and we have travelled through literally hundreds of k/m's of them and don't seem to be running out. Going walk about while camped at Mary pool we met another couple who had a van the same as ours and ended having a good talk and a look inside each other's van. They were a lovely couple from Brisbane and invited us to stay with them if we end up in the area. It's great to see all the additions and alterations people do to their vans and they loved our van so much that they wanted first option on it if we were to sell it.??????
Heading north again took us from open plains to through fascinating rocky areas with small hills that they call escarpments with very large rock piles so weird that look like they must have been stacked up with a monster digger.
Wild brumbies horses run wild around here and several mobs were spotted grassing beside the road so you have to slow down and be on your guard. Dunham River bush camp was our next overnight stop and a good few hours were enjoyed sitting outside watching the bright stars and crossing satellites in warm still conditions. On the road again the next thing to take our interest were the large and strange bottle shaped Boab trees with the largest ones being up to 2000 years old ! They range from very ugly and grotesque to quite majestic but unfortunately a lot of people feel that they have to vandalise them with their names etc.
Wyndham was a place we missed last time as its out of the way by the sea so it was exciting to be heading into new territory again.The crocodile in the picture sits in the Main Street of this very small and interesting town.Talk soon !
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