Hello again. On the second day in Mount Magnet I spent a few hours with the metal detector exploring a remote area not to far from town but found nothing of value but had a interesting time. It was very relaxing and Steph caught up with some reading and a bit of knitting. On Tuesday we left this small and quiet mining town and cruised on north to Meekatharra where we found a nice quiet bush camp area about 3 k/m out of town called The Granites in Peace Gorge. There were two other campers there and after a quick fossick about I spent the night talking to a guy around a camp fire till well after dark. Too many flies for Steph so she just relaxed in the van. Next morning it was off fossicking again and as the ground is quite flat I travelled a bit too far and after 3 hours came across a dirt road and was not to sure which way to go. Just as I was scratching my head trying to get my bearings a 4x4 vehicle came around the corner so I flagged him down. I told him where I was camped and he said oh mate that is a few miles away so you better jump in and I'll take you back.
Steph got quite a shock when a very dark Aborigine guy in a beat up old land cruiser drove off the road and pulled up beside our van in the bush. She always locks all the doors when I go away so she feels safe. I was very grateful and gave him a couple of cold beers for his trouble. Lesson learned ! don't go walkabout too far from your vehicle with out a GPS. It was a great place to camp for a couple of nights with lots of interesting scenery and places to explore but no gold yet ! I got really up close to a very large red kangaroo in the bush and I was not sure who was more scared of who. This morning after re stocking the van we headed north again towards Newman and are now staying at another bush camp for the night. The weather has been good up until no rain since Saturday but it has just started to rain all be it lightly now. Finally I have managed to shake off that annoying chest cold but unfortunately I may have just given it to Steph ! One thing we have had trouble finding is a good equivalent of good old Watties tomato sauce so are going to try a ketchup now. Here's hoping!!!!!
- comments
Colleen Wow!! Not a dull moment!! Gosh Chris, you will need to watch where you are going!! Have fun you 2!!
Stephanie Hi Colleen. When was life ever dull with Chris!!!! You have a great time also it's a great country to be in.
Nola Glad u guys out of Meekatharra a 61 year old women was raped in the camping ground toilets last night told u it was dodgy place hope u guys ok safe travels Chris no more hitchhiking x