29/12/2009 - We had to be up and ready to leave the cattle station by 7 oclock in the morning. They had cooked us beans on toast for breakfast but i didnt fancy it that early. This was the longest bus journey of the whole trip, leaving at 7 oclock in the morning we were told we would not get to Airlie Beach until half 5 in the evening! fun!! so we had a few naps in the morning to pass the time then the driver put on the hangover for us to watch so that was good. And after lunch he put on dodgeball as well. We were all well pleased when we finally got to airlie beach as everyone was pretty much bored of their ipods, books etc by that point. As we were checking into our hostel called beaches, we saw kim n al who we havent seen for a week so that was cool. We then freshed up and backed our bags for the sailing trip the following day. The bus driver had booked a table for us at one of the bars so we met everyone from the bus there and had some dinner then he got us loads of free drinks which was good. He bought me and tom a jagerbomb as we had been on his bus 3 or 4 times so said we were his most loyal passengers! Afetr that we went to go and grab kim and al but they were too tired to come out. We started chatting to 4 aussie boys that were staying in our room and they reckoned that we talked just like Lily Allen!! And they were amazed that we lived near Crystal Palace because of the sports there! We then went out for a few drinks with them before going to bed.
Day 2 30/12/2009 - We didnt really get much sleep that night because 3 Irish lads that were staying in our room came in and were arguing until half 3 in the morning. One of them even climbed into toms top bunk with him lol! We checked out of the hostel and met Kim and Al for some lunch at Maccy D's then got some alcohol supplies for the boat trip and walked down to the habour. There were 28 passengers in total including us and 4 crew, and when we first saw the boat we all thought how the hell are we all going to fit on there!! We were allocated our bed which was a double bed on a top bunk, the roof was literally 30cm above the matress so it was going to be a tight squeeze! We set sail and the crew introduced themselves and told us what we would be up to.After about an hour and a half we stopped and did our first snorkle which was great fun. It was kim and al's first time so we were helping them along. The water was a little merky but we saw loads of different coral and fish. We all had to wear stinger suits as a safety precaution and when we got back on the boat mine was so tight i couldnt actually get out of it lol i had to be heloed out!! We started sailing again and the cooked made us some nachos which were yummy and we started drinking. We anchored near hook island for the night and had ourselves a little warm up party for new years which was good fun.
Day 3 31/12/2009 - We had to be awake at 7 this morning as we were sailing to Whithaven beach, i was up before that because it was so hot below deck that i needed to get out of there.Everyone started to wake up and we had some breakfast on the move. Just as people we eating we got into a really choppy part of the sea and things were flying everywhere and one girl was sick. Everyone looked like they were concentrating really hard not to be sick, I know I was.Luckily it didnt last too long and it calmed down, we dropped ancor in a little bay called Turtle Bay. Its called that because you can find 6 out of the 7 types of turtle there, we were also told that where you find turtles you'll be sure to find bull and tiger sharks!!! It only took a few minutes and we saw the first turtle it was so cool. We picked up our stinger suits and headed over to Whitehaven beach. 1st we walked up to the look out point over Whitehaven beach, it looked really nice but the tide was high so wasnt the best. After we walked down to the beach and chilled out there for a few hours we saw lemon sharks and stingrays in the shallow water. By the time we got back to the boat it was lunchtime and we had some sausages and pasta it was nice. After lunch we headed to a place called Maureen's bay where we did our second snorkle and it was alot better than the one before. The only thing was there were loads of jelly fish but we were told these ones couldnt hurt you but it was scary!! We saw loads of different fish, some were massive and the coral was amazing, we can see why its called the GREAT Barrier Reef!! After we got back on the boat we had a diving compotition it was so much fun tom loved it!! We then went to our spot fpr the night, on the way we got to put the sails up and the boat tipped sideways like a proper sail boat it was really good!! We sailed into a little bay and there were a few other boats there which we anchored next to so that we could all party together for new year. We all got ready for the evening and had spag bol for dinner wich was delicious. It was well good celebrating the new year on a boat in the middle of the great barrier reef. We probably had one of the best new years ever!!
Day 4 01/01/2010 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! We slept on deck at night as it was to hot below deck it was nice!! Apart from during the night it rained and tom was out of it, so i had to wake him up to put the cover up but he didnt really move. We only had small hangovers wich was good but it was still raining in the morning so couldnt go swimming as planned. We headed back to the harbour and on the way back we saw some dolphins wich was amazing, we didnt think we would see any in the wild. When we got back to Airlie Beach it was brilliant sunshine!! we said our goodbyes to everyone and arranged to meet up for drinks later on. We walked back to the hostel but we were told we couldnt check in so we wondered around the shops and tom brought some new sunglasses as his broke on the boat. We both fell asleep once we checked in and were late to meet alex and kim to go get a pizza. After we went back to get ready then headed down to the bar. There was a New years recovery party goin on so it was busy and there was a live band wich was really good! Alot of people from the boat turned up and alot from Kroombit were there to it was a good night!
Day 5 02/01/2010 We had to check out of one hostel and move to another as it had no space for us. We couldnt check in till later but alex and kim were already staying there so we put our bags in their room and went and got some lunch. We just lazied around the hostel all day not doing much just chilling out, we did some washing and that was about it. for dinner we cooked a spag bol for all four of us wich was really nice!! after we just went to alex and kims room and watched DVDs!!!
Day 6 03/01/2010 The weather was much nicer so when we woke up we decided to go to the lagoon to work on our tans! The lagoon was really nice and alot bigger than the one in Brisbane. We spent most of the day there and alex and kim came to join us! We made dinner wich was really nice then packed all our stuff ready to leave the next day. After we went to al and kims room for another DVD night!!
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