09/01/2010 - On our way to cairns we stopped off at Johnstone River Crocodile Park where we got to hold a baby crocodile, a snake, a parrot and various other animals all for free which was even better!! I was so scared when i was holding the snake because its head started coming up towards mine and the keeper was nowhere to be seen so i was stuck with it!! All was ok though. We had a little tour around the park and saw the dingoes, cassawaries and kangaroos, then we got to watch the keepers feed the crocs. All that was between us and the crocs was a chicken wire fence that didnt look very secure, as they went into the first one, the keeper was splashing the pool then all of a sudden this huge croc about 15 foot long came racing out of it, we were all so shocked we didnt expect it to be that big, the head was absolutely massive. After the park it was back on the bus to cairns, we finally got there just after 5 oclock and checked into our hostel and met up with some friends. The bus driver had booked a table for us at one of the bars so we went in there or dinner then partied the night away.
10/01/2010-17/01/2010 - Over the next couple of days we just mooched around cairns, going to the lagoon and the shopping mall to get bits that we needed.On the 13th it was Al and Kims last day in oz sow e spend the day with them then in the evening we invited some friends from the fraser island trip and from the whitdsunday to join us for some drinks, we played loads of drinking games first which were a good laugh then we went out for the night. We had two spare beds in our room as no one had checked in so al and kim came and slept over at ours for the night. The following day they had to get up early to get there flight and we had to check out of the hostel and move to another one which we had a couple of free nights booked at.
We went and saw the new film Avatar which was actually really good, i didnt think it would be. It was more fun just sitting there and looking at tom in his trendy 3D glasses, he looked like a computer geek or something!
On the 17th we were meant to go on our trip to Cape Tribulation which is where the rainforest meets the great barrier reef, but when I woke up i was feeling really sick so we had to change it to the following day and just spent the day at the hostel getting better.
18/01/2010 - I felt alot better when we woke up which was good. The bus came and picked us up just before 8 and our first stop was about and hour n a half later where we stopped for breakfast. Then we went to the Daintree River for a boat trip to see some wild crocodiles, but after an hour of looking at the rivers edge we didnt see any which was a bit rubbish. We got back on the bus for another hour or so then went for a walk in the rainforest where we saw loads of spiders and creepy crawlies! The guide told us all about the wildlife and the rainforest. We gto dropped off at our accomodation just after 12. Ours was in the middle of nowhere but it was right on the beach which was nice. The food there was rather pricey but there was nothing else around so had no choice but to eat there. We were going to go for a walk up to the lookout but we had to wait and hour or so first for the tide to go out. It was a nice short walk along the beach up the the lookout, it was like walking a long a tropical island because of all the coconut trees and the nice sand and clear water. But we couldnt go in the sea as there was a sign saying that there are crocs, sharks and deadly stingers in there so we defiantely opted not to go for a swim. By the tiem we got back to the hostel it was getting a bit overcast so we just chilled out in our room and then freshened up for the evening. We went down to the restaurant and treated ourselves to a steak which was yummy, then we sat there playing card games and getting attacked by the mosquitos.
19/01/2010 - We checked out and went for our free breakfast of bacon egg and toast which was pretty damn good. It was absolutely chucking it down so we couldnt chill by the pool as planned so we just had to wait until 1 oclock when the bus was coming to pick us up. We were pleased when it finally turned up. Our first stop was at Alexandra Lockout but because of the rain we couldnt actually see anything! We then drove back across the river and went to Mossman Gorge where tom went for a swim. He said it was the coldest water he had ever swum in so he wasnt in there long, i opted out :) We then made a qucik stop at Port Douglas and it looked a really nice little town so we were glad that we were coming back up there for a couple of days as we were bored of cairns now. We finally got back to cairns just before 6 in the evening.
20/01/2010 -23/01/2010 - We got the bus back up to Port Douglas but there was lots of hassle as the hostel and booked it all wrong and taken money when they shouldnt have and when we got to Port Douglas the hostel there hadnt even been notified of our booking! For all the hassle they checked us into a nice 4 bed dorm which was a lot more than what we had paid for as we had paid for a 10 bed so that was all good. We put our stuff in then went to the bar downstairs for some lunch and they were showing english football on the tv so tom was in his elemant. After that we took a walk down to the 4 mile beach which really nice and of all the beach you can only swim in a area about 10 meters square because of all the dangerous animals so you have to swim in the nets. We had a little look in all the little shops then went back to the hostel and watched flushed away :) and had soem dinner. For the next couple of days we just mooched around the town and in the hostel as there was a cyclome just up the coast so the weather wasnt the best. We took a walk up to the lookout but it was more of a hike up a massive hill so when we got to the top we were both knackered. I managed to sow all our badges on to our backpacks so now they look like proper backpackers bags. It took me ages and my fingers were so numb but the end!
23/01/2010-24/01/2010 - It was bak to Cairns for a last couple of days before heading of to New Zealand so we jsut got a last few soveniours and washed all our clothes and packed up ready to go. We are both looking forward to new zealand alot as its alot different to oz and we get to see my aunty, uncle and cousins who i havent seen in years.
So our next update will be from New Zealand.... see u there xxx
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