28/12/2009 - We had the worst nights sleep in Town of 1770 as the girl on the bed next to me snored the loudest i have ever heard anyone snore in my life, also a bloke on the top bunk managed to fall out of his bunk twice in the night and he was so drunk he didnt even wake up!! So due to lack of sleep when I woke up i had a banging headache and felt really sick. We packed up our stuff and got on the bus for 8:30am. I managed to get some sleep on the bus journey which was good so i was feeling a bit better by the time we got to Kroombit Cattle Station, which was in the middle of no where.
When we got off the bus it was lunchtime and the staff had lunch ready for us which was steak and salad, they'd caught a deer over xmas and had some meat left over so we got to try some venison (if thats how you spelt it!) too. After lunch it was straight into the activities so we ran to our rooms and quickly got ready for the horse riding. Me and tom both put on our checked shirts so we looked the part, then went over to the stables. They allocated each person a horse on how experienced and nervous they felt. My one wouldnt move first all so i just sat there in the stables!! Firstly we went for a walk across the fields and it after abotu 20 minutes it started to rain really hard, so all the horses where trying to go in the opposite direction which was a bit of a kurfuffle, the rain eased off a bit and we were all soaked right through. We reached a hill that hand loads of goats on it and were told that it was our job to round them all up and get the to pen on the other side. The call we had to use to get the goats moving was 'Heeeey, ub, bub, bub, bub' and it seemed to do the trick. We all thought we was doing really good until the people that work there said that the pen was in the other direction, so we had to try and turn them all around and go the other way. This proved really difficult for me as my horse suddenly decided that it no longer wanted to turn right!! So i just sat there and let the other round them up, and all i could hear was tom on the other side of the field shouting HEY UB BUB BUB BUB!! it was so funny even when there wasnt any goats near him he was just shouting. We eventually got the goats in the pen then we walked back to the stables, one lady told me that my horse was the boss of them all and was very stubborn.
After the horse ride we had some refreshments back at the station then we all went up to the pens where we had just herded the goat to and learnt how to lasoo. Then after that we got to shot clay pigeons, tom went before me and got 2 out of 5, i was one of the last to go and managed to beat him and get 3 out of 5, he wasnt very happy! :D After than some people had a go at the goat rodoe where they had to lasoo the goat the fastest it was fun to watch. We then went back to the station and had some dinner. After dinner the old guy who owns the station told us abotu some of the history then taught us how to crack a whip which was much harder than it looked, but lots of fun. Then it was time to go on the mechincal bull, i opted not to as it went well fast but tom managed to stay of for 4 bucks which was pretty good seen as most people were only on for one at most!
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