10/12/2009 - We checked out the hostel and went for a quick dip in the pool, as kim and Alex were checking out they were told that the oz bus would be coming two hours earlier to pick us up which was a result so less time to hand around. We had some lunch then waited for the bus, the drive from mooloolaba to noosa was only 40 minutes so it went well quick. They dropped us off at the bus station and a courtesy bus from the hostel came and picked us up. When we checking in we were lucky enough to get a four bed dorm again for just us four which was a result. We asked the reception what there is to do around Noosa where we are staying and they told us to go for a swim in the river which was literally 30 seconds walk away. So we all went down there in our swim stuff and just as Al was about to get in he saw a massive stingray at the bottom of the steps and screamed. We looked down there and there was 3 of them all hovering around the step and they were all huge. SO we decided to play safe and go back and swim in the pool at the hostel.
11/12/2009 - Day 2
I got up early in the morning to skype the girls back home which was nice. When everyone had woken up we checked out the weather but it was a bit cloudy and we were planning to go kayaking across the river but decided to wait until it was sunnier. Instead we chilled out by the pool for most of the day and in the afternoon me and tom got the free shuttle bus down to the main street and had a wander around the shops. When we got back we were absolutely boiling so we went back in the pool.
12/12/2009 - Day 3
It was a bit cloudy again in the morning so just busied ourselves around the hostel playing ping pong and messing around in the pool. We were all mucking around in the pool and i was chatting away to Al and tom was trying to get my attention but i was busy talking, he wanted to show me his dolphin impression and did it anyway even though i wasn't looking. Next thing i know he came out of the water, his face in mine shouting look at my tooth. He had whacked his face on the bottom of the pool because he had his eyes closed trying to swim like a dolphin. He cut his know and lip and managed to chip his front tooth!! He was so upset we walked down tot the dentist that i had seen on our way into town.But it was closed because it was a saturday afternoon so we went back to the hostel and he sulked for the afternoon!! After dinner we decided to go for a drink in the local bars by the river, we walked to one tom and Al had seen but when we got there there was a private function in the bar so we had to sit downstairs which was a posh looking restaurant. We had one drink then came back to the hostel for a few more.
13/12/2009 - Day 4
We woke up early in the morning packed up our rucksack and hired out mountain bikes for the day. We rode up to the national park which took us about 40 minutes to get there. Most of it was ok because it was nice and flat but as we got near to the park there were a few big hills to go up and i couldn't get my bike to go in a gear! Once we got to the park we tied up our bikes then went along the coastal walk which was lovely. There were some really great views up there of the main noosa beach. We even saw a koala in the trees which was cool. We saw lots of big lizards too which were scary. We had our picnic then rode back towards the hostel. As we got to the hostel its started spitting, so me and tom decided to go for another bike ride along the river which was really nice. We stopped and Woolworths on the way back then went for a well deserved dip in the pool.
14/12/2009 - Day 5
We had to be up and ready for the free courtesy bus to Australia zoo at 8:10. We had our 2 for 1 tickets off the Coco pops box to save ourselves a few dollars. It took us just over an hour to get to the zoo so we had pretty much the whole day there. As you walk through the entrance into the zoo there is a life size bronze statue of the Irwin family in memorial to Steve Irwin. We took a few photos with them then had a look around at the large reptiles. We decided to go to the free elephant feed and had to queue up as there were loads of people that wanted to do it. The three elephants that came out were much bigger than the ones we rode in thialand for sure. After the feed we went to the stadium and watched the wild life show. They brought out lots of different birds and reptiles and they saved the croc until last. Once they had lured the croc out they fed him some meat by making him jump out the water then he ran after the keeper, it ran well fast. We all had a really good day at the zoo we got to go into the kangaroo pen wich was a massice field and feed all the kangaroos. We also got to stroke a kaola which was well soft, I wanted to take it home with me. In the afternoon we went to the tiger show which was really good as they got the tigers to show their strength by running up the trees and jumping around for food. We were all pretty shattered by the time the bus came to pick us up at 4 because it was a really hot day.
15/12/2009 - Day 6
Tom went to the dentist this morning to see if they could do anything about his tooth but they were fully booked and just about to close for xmas so told him to call back at 1.30 to see if there had been any cancellations. So we chilled out by the pool all morning and did some much needed washing. When he called them back they had closed! We hired the kayaks out and went down to the river. Me and kim were in a double one and tom and al had single ones each. They helped us get in first and gave us a little push off and we started paddling. Before we knew it we were half way across the river and the boys hadn't even started yet. By the time we reached the island the other side the boys had only just started paddling so we cheered them on. We walked around the little sand island then got back in the kayaks and headed down stream towards the sea. After floating around for a bit we thought we had better head back, but it was much harder now as we were going against the current. We made it back and we all had a really good time. When we got back to the hostel we all jumped into the pool and had swimming races which was a right laugh. When we got all out we were all knackered.
16/12/2009 - Day 7
We both got up early this morning to skype people back home which was nice. Then we got the free bus down to the beach with kim and al. As we pulled up it started to get a bit grey so we wandered around the shops for a bit until it brightened up. The beach was really nice as the sand was really soft and the water was really clear, we saw lots of fishes in there. We stayed on the beach all afternoon then went back to the hostel so that the boys could go kayaking again and me and kim went shopping and i got tom some xmas stocking presents. We had some dinner then played s***head which is now al's favourite card game thanks to us and we mucnhed away on sweeties until we felt sick, which didnt take long!!
17/12/2009 - Day 8
I got up early again this morning to skype my mum and dad this time, and my cousin amy and sam were there too which was really nice as havent seen them in a while. I woke tom up so that he could come and talk to them too. We then had to check out of our room and wait until 2.45pm to get the free bus to the oz experience pick up point. So we loaded up some photos and updated the blog which pretty much took up all the time which was good. We were sitting at the pick up waiting for the bus and it was half an hour late so we decided to give them a ring. Tom spoke to the office who said that the bus would be 2 hours late. We had no where to go and our big bags so we just had to sit there in the heat and wait. We were so pleased when it did eventually turn up, aparently the bus driver had a crash back in brisbane in the morning thats why they were so late!!
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