We left Rainbow beach and headed for Hervey Bay where we would spend christmas, as we got there we noticed all the fast food places you cold imagine. Not many people got off at Hervey Bay so we said goodbye to everyone and went to call our hostel for them to pick us up. We had to wait for our room to be cleaned but when we finally checked in it was really nice, a double bed, towels, TV, DVD player and our own bathroom. We put our stuff down in the room and decided to go for a walk to explore the place. We started by walking along the sea front and after over an hour walking we decided it a time for lunch so we headed back to McDonalds. It took us hours to walk there and it was so hot but when we finally saw the golden arches we were so pleased!! After lunch we went to Blockbusters and rented 3 films for $1 each, we then went back to the hostel cooked dinner and watched the films in our room.
When we woke up we went to the Transit Center and waited for a bus to the peir as the OZ Experience driver said it was good. But when we got there it was just a big wooden pier with nothing on it and not much around it. Although, we found a really posh restaurant that looked nice so we decided to go there for a christmas meal. After we headed to the boat harbour to have a look around but there was not much there either so we got the bus back. On the way back we stopped off at the supermarket and got the things we needed for christmas dinner. We just chilled out back at the hostel in the evening and watched American History X.
We had a really nice lay in and when we finally got up we went down to the beach and to a little water park 'wet side' wich was educational. After we went back and layed by the pool for most of the afternoon, and before we knew it, it was time to start getting ready to go out for our christmas meal. We got dressed up and headed to the bus stop to get a bus to the resturant, we didnt know if the buses were actually running but luckily they were. We got to the resturant and it was really posh, the food was amazing it was nice to spoil ourselfs.
CHRISTMAS DAY!! We woke up and had the stockings we had done for each other wich was nice, we put Home Alone on and my mum called to say merry christmas! She told us that she sent a card so i went and asked at recption, it was a parcel with presents in, we got socks and i got a palace poster! After we watched mirical on 34th street and then headed down to the beach. When we got back we made our christmas dinner which was turkey, potatoes, stuffing, parsnips and gravy, it wasnt the best but was ok, we had christmas crackers too! After dinner we called home then watched elf and then Home Alone 2.
We got up early as we said we would skype our families, we walked down to the internet place but it was shut so we had to wait outside for a while. When we finally got in we both skyped our families wich was nice. after we went and had a little walk around the shops, had a subway for lunch then went back to the hostel. in the afternoon we had a dip in the pool and did the thngs we needed to do.
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