Arrived at Sydney airport at about 11.15am on Monday 29/9. The shuttle bus that Bunac had arranged for us picked us up at the airport and took us to the Sydney Central YHA hostel where we would be staying for our first two nights in the city. Got to the hostel to find out that the extra week's accommodation I thought I had pre-booked hadn't been sorted out and as the hostel was full I'd have to find somewhere else to stay from Wednesday onwards. Was flapping about abit until some of the other girls said they'd move hostels with me and we managed to get an extra week at the Wake Up hostel in a mixed 8 bed dorm which was literally down the street, so not too far to lug my bags!
Didn't really do much with the rest of that day until the night time when there was a weekly BBQ on the rooftop of the YHA. Went there with a few of the others off my flight and it was there that I learnt while I was half way through what I thought was a sausage hot dog, that I was actually eating kangaroo!! Aaargh, poor Skippy. I was mortified, although it just takes like chewy beef really. Just had a few drinks with some of the others after that and had an earlyish night. On Tuesday we had the IEP orientation down at their offices on Castlereagh Street, where one of the guys (Pete) told us all useful stuff about how to find a job and longer term accommodation and about creepy crawlies and sun safety etc. The next couple of days were spent just looking for a house really, trying to get out of the hostel asap. Decided it would be easier to look for a place for 2 of us so me and Fiona went to view a room in a shared house in a place called Enmore, only about 20 mins by bus out of the city and it's a bargain at 65 quid a week. We're sharing a room but you get washer, dryer, free internet access etc, all you have to do is cook and clean your own stuff and there's a big park just across the road which will be good for lazing about in on sunny days! Moving in there tomorrow (Wednesday) so not too much longer in the hostel.
Currently sharing a room with 7 other people, there was 2 guys in called James and Gareth, although James left today, and a girl called Susan who's also just left as she was only here on holiday, it's not too bad but don't think I could hack it long term, you just don't have any privacy and the room's a bit of a tip. The guys all seem really nice though, and it's been good to meet some new people. I was on the top bunk and I swear it was like an assault course trying to get up there, once I was up there I made sure I stayed there for the whole night as it was such a mission getting back down, one of the guys got kicked out on the second night we were there so I shot-gunned his lower bunk before anyone else had thought about it ;-)
On Wednesday night we all went to the IEP social event in Wake Up's Side bar which is just below the hostel, it was a good night, had a few too many white wine spritzers though and a drunken conversation with my mum which I hardly remember any of (sorry mum :-) xx) On Thursday, I spent the day with Fiona and in the afternoon I went down to the harbour with her to see if I could get on the jetboat ride with her, Rachel and Simon. It was $60, but it was sooo much fun! We got absolutely soaked though, the driver would do different hand signals when he was going to do different movements such as spinning the boat round or making it jump up in the air, we looked like drowned rats by the time we got off, I think I would have stayed drier if I had just taken a swim with all my clothes on! Got some amazing views of the harbour and the Opera House etc though.
I booked to do the Bridge Climb for Wednesday (tomorrow) on Saturday as well, managed to get myself all the way down to the Harbour and back with my trusty (yet soggy) map which I was quite chuffed with! Went to the Sydney Aquarium on Sunday as the weather hasn't been that great the last few days, it was good, saw lots of funky fish and some big sharks. I also found Nemo!! Hurrah!!
Yesterday (Monday) we went out for a few drinks at the Side bar as it was James last night in the hostel before he goes to Cairns. Today we're hoping to go to Palm Beach after Fiona finishes her bar skills thing, it's 1hr 1/2 drive away on a bus, but we got told by the Wake Up travel desk bloke that they're filming scenes for Home and Away down there today so in 5 months time you could be seeing me being an extra on the beach or something when it finally gets transmitted!! Awesome! Haha. Will leave it here for now, but I will write again soon and post some more pics on after I've done (and hopefully survived the bridge climb!) Keep sending your messages they're great to read :-)
Lots of love,
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