Got a few things to catch up on here really! First, the IEP Christmas bash at Coogee was lots of fun! Felt abit self conscious at first, as everyone else seemed dressed down than us, and I had a jug of beer to myself, it was a good night though. We met a girl called Mikaela from Oregon, she's really nice and is coming to the beach with us on Xmas Day.
On the Saturday before Xmas Eve, me, Fiona, Sarah and a few of her friends went to the Carols in the Domain at the Botanic Gardens. We took some food stuff and got there about 3pm even though it didn't start til 8.30pm just to get a spot! Was really fun camping out, even when it started raining and we were trying to shield ourselves with our towels! The atmosphere was so good as well, alot of people had candles and when it got dark it was lovely to look across the crowd and see a sea of candle lights flickering. Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden performed and there were fireworks, but maybe the best bit of all was that I SAW RUSSELL CROWE! Couldn't believe it. Was inches away from him. Had my first taste of Goon that night too, can see why everyone drinks it as it's so cheap, but abit foul really, must be the fish extracts.
On Monday 22nd, me and Fiona spent most of the day making banners for the GMTV filming the next day, was a fun afternoon. We went to the Botanic Gardens for the filming on Tuesday 23rd, couldn't believe how many people were there, must have been about 3-400, it was madness. Jono Coleman was presenting it, and when he arrived, everyone went mad and starting cheering and clapping. Even the atmosphere wasn't dampened when there was a thunderstorm. I swear, I've seen more thunderstorms in Sydney than I have in my whole life! When they first started filming the segments for GMTV didn't think we had a cat in hell's chance of getting on the telly. We slowly managed to work our way up the hill (well I did and I dragged Fiona with me!) and eventually we were right at the front for a couple of the bits, and we managed to get on the telly! Check out and look at Sydney Xmas clip one and you'll see me and all my five mins of fame!!
Tuesday night Daryl and Amanda came to park outside the house before they went to Judi's flat the next day. On Christmas Day we made our way down to Bondi Beach, didn't think it looked that hot so I didn't bother putting my bikini on, of course, when we got there it was blazing hot sunshine and I was sweltering on the beach in my cropped jeans! Had a fun day though, we took a little picnic down, and in the evening we went to Hayley, Lewis and Adam's for a few drinks. Was a fun but different Christmas.
I went to Judi's flat on Boxing Day to spend it with Daryl and Amanda, they still had lots of yummy food left over, and best of all, they cooked a roast chicken dinner (my first since being away!) Was absolutely amazing, really really enjoyed it. Just ended up watching tv and relaxing most of the day, we tried to play Trivial Pursuit, but I swear it must have been Mastermind edition or something, the questions were rock hard, apart from Daryl getting 3 pieces of pie before we gave up!
Heading down to the Botanic Gardens tomorrow for 9am to get a good spot for the New Year fireworks. Hope they are worth the 13 hour wait! It's going to be a bit of an endurance test I reckon! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and an even better New Year, I'll try and get some photo's uploaded when it stops playing up and only lets me upload 3 at a time.
Love to all
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