Oooh my first blog how exciting! Can't put any photo's on yet as this computer doesn't have a memory card slot. Currently in Hong Kong airport waiting for my flight at 11.55pm to Sydney. Had an amazing few days here. It's a great city, although I'm not too sure I could survive for more than a few days here with all the noodley doodley stuff!
We arrived about 7.10am on Friday morning, good flight over only slight turbulence so that was good. We went straight to the South Pacific Hotel in Wan Chai where we were staying at and I got a couple of hours kip since I had lost all of Thursday night with the time difference! We had the first day free so in the afternoon most of the group and our Bunac rep Rachel went for a wander around Hong Kong. We went for something to eat and ended up in MacDonald's! Everything is so cheap here, a MacDonald's meal cost 23 dollars which is less than 2 quid!! Literally cheap as chips haha. Afterwards we took the star ferry over to Kowloon, again very cheap only cost 2 dollars twenty for one way token. Stayed over there for a bit and then came back. Me and a couple of the girls went out for something to eat, we went into a local Chinese noodley doodley place, and I ordered soy sauce chicken and rice, but to be honest the chicken looked very suspect, it could have been dog or giraffe or anything! So I ended up leaving that one. Afterwards we just had a few drinks back in one of the rooms and got an early night.
On the second day we had the morning free again, so me and another girl went for a wander into Hong Kong god knows how we didn't get lost. But we had a trusty map so it was okay. In the afternoon we had a few trips planned. We went to Victoria Peak which is the highest point in Hong Kong (554m) after that we went to the Aberdeen fishing village and had a ride on one of the little boats around the harbour. The guy was quite savvy, he wouldn't let you off the boat until you paid him the money! We also visited Stanley Market which was good too. Had the group meal afterwards at a Chinese restaurant, 8 courses, everything to try like fish and duck, chicken, squid etc, but of course me being picky I didn't eat much, although I did try some goose! After the meal we took the ferry over to Kowloon again to watch the daily lights show which starts at 8pm. The sky line (in pic) is absolutely amazing, so many different colours and buildings, not quite as amazing as New York but still fab all the same! Played some drinking games in the room at the hotel after which was fun, got some good pics!
Today we have had some more tours, had the morning free again, and then we went to a Jade Market and an ancient Chinese temple. Afterwards we went and saw some big bridge or other, can't remember the name of it now! Just waiting at the airport for flight to Sydney, really excited about Oz now. Staying in the YHA for 9 days and then hopefully might have some more definite plans with the others. Me and 3 other girls have already looked into getting a short term rent on a house in Sydney or thereabouts so we'll have to see what happens with that.
That's about it for now, I'll update again when I get to Oz and hopefully I'll be able to put my pics on too. Take care and hope everyone is well back home!!
Lots of love
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