Not really done much this week, trying to save some money and the weather has been abit pants. Only been to the beach twice since I've been here. Was in bed by 9pm last night just trying to keep warm! Never wanted my electric blanket so much in my life!! On Friday 17th we had our day trip to the Blue Mountains. Just me and the two Fiona's ended up going as Maggie has got a job now so she had to do training that day. Had to get up at 6am which was abit of a shock to the system, not seen that time in a few weeks! Got the bus at 6.45am to be picked up outside the Sydney Central YHA at 7.30am.
We were taken to a wildlife park called Featherdale Wildlife Park about an hour outside of Sydney first of all. Fed some kangaroos, although the grey ones were abit greedy. Had my photo taken with a koala although you aren't allowed to touch them. Also got chased around the park by some evil goose type things. There was a big crocodile there too called Noosa, watched him get fed a chicken leg, wouldn't like to be anywhere near him when we was hungry. Although he probably wouldn't go for me, too skinny like haha. Next we had a lunch stop at a motel, thought it was just going to be standard buffet fare, but we got chicken curry and tomato pasta. Was nice though, although some people thought you could only go up once and were putting melon and fruit on the same plates as their curry :-S Uuurgh.
After we had lunch we went to the Three Sisters look out point. Could also see the Blue Mountains from there too. There's a couple of different legends about them, I took a photo of one of the story boards so I wouldn't forget. There was also this big black man there with facial hair of a werewolf, wearing kangaroo skin and playing the didgeredoo, people were having their photo taken with him but I was too scared to! He looked abit evil!
Next we went to Scenic World where we went on the Katoomba railway which is the world's steepest railway. Was so much fun! Very steep though, could have lasted abit longer but was a great experience anyway. Had a ride into the park on the skyrail in and out of the park which had some great views too. The one into the park had a see-through platform in the middle which you could stand on. Had to do it, but was freaky seeing what was below you, and how high up you were. Had a walk through the leafy rainforesty bit at the bottom which was nice and cool down there, there's an old mine down there too which was good. After that we stopped off at a little picturesque village called Leura, very quaint and oldy-worldly. There was a little Candy Shop funnily enough called The Candy Shop, which sold British goods, thought Fiona was going to have a baby when she saw they sold Scottish Iron Bru, she was ecstatic haha. Don't think the shop assistants were that happy when our whole bus load piled in though. Managed to get a pic of the shop with a woman whose arse was eating her trousers, so glad I managed to get that in! ;-)
Had another stop off at a scenic point on the way back to the ferry - never thought I'd take so many pictures of mountains and hills, but there were some stunning views, we had such a lovely day for it too which was lucky as the weather has been so changeable day to day. We got the ferry back to Circular Quay, which was nice as the sun was just setting as we were coming back so got some nice photo's of the harbour at sunset. Although why are Chinese people always in the bloody way when you're trying to take a photo, they're sodding everywhere!!
On Saturday we went to the Sea Sculptures thing at Bondi, which just turned out to be random bits of junk all over the beach, I swear there was one exhibit which was a big lump with a red blanket over it, what the hell was that meant to be?! The beach at Tamarama and Bondi are awesome though. We were stood on Tamarama and all of a sudden people started getting up and looking out to sea, wondered if some one had drowned or been bitten by a shark, then people started running in with surf boards and it turned out there was a pod of dolphins and a whale quite near the beach!! Was an awesome sight, everyone kept whooping and clapping when the dolphins leapt out of the sea was amazing.
Went back to Bondi beach again on Sunday, was one of the best days weather wise we have had so far, was really nice and managed to get abit of colour, actually got abit burnt but not too bad so was ok. Clouded over about 4.30pm so we thought we'd head back, it took us two hours to get back home via bus (only normally takes upto 1) never seen so many people jostling and pushing for a bus was madness. Just spent the last few days looking for a job, did a bit of clothes shopping other day. Apparently Australian women don't have size 3 feet as you can't find a pair for love nor money. Was torture when I was in the shoe shop with four floors, mum you would have been in heaven :-)
Not sure how many more blogs I'll put on in Sydney as done most of the touristy stuff I wanted to do, but will keep putting pics on so keep looking :-)
Take care xxx
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