Just read ur last couple of posts. Loved the detailed description of ur skydive! Sounds like u had an amazing time!!! Have a great time in lalaland xxx
hi everyone, just to say for some reason photo's are taking ages to upload on here and not loading properly so I have put them all on facebook and will post the links to the albums so you can still see them, cheers!!
Just been reading your blog, sounds like your having fandabbydozy time, pics look really good, how many snakes r u getting to hold, you got more experience than the late steve irwin now ha ha, enjoy rest of contiki, spk soon ;)
Mum & Dad
hiya lynz just been reading the blog sounds like your having a really good time, me & your mum stopped in the colonial when we were in cairns! enjoy the rest of your trip luv mum & dad xxx
Daz N Mand
Hey Lynz , just a quick message to say hope u enjoy ur contiki tours, Im sure u will, this is our last nite tonite then home for lasagne ha ha, Over n out from the BIG APPLE!!!!!!!!
Ann Taylor
Hi Lyndsey
Hope you`re still enjoying yourself.Good luck with the job.
Happy New year
Love from Aunty Ann Alan & Matthew
Derek Cartwright
happy new year lynz hope you had a good one and it was worth the wait fireworks loooked brill (even better than london?)best of luck on the job front and we hope you enjoy melbourne p.s i,llsend you kevin,s e mail addres luv mum7dad
Aunty Linda/uncle John
Hi Lyndsey
Good news about the job, don't work too hard. Hope you had a good christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
Cheers for now
AuntyLinda/Uncle John
Manda's Mum & Dad
Hi Lyndsey
Just been reading your blog and glad you are having such a good time. Spoke to Amanda last week and she says you all had a really brill time in Sydney. We are sooooo jealous!! Have fun,
Luv Lyn & Gray .
Derek Cartwright
hiya just been reading the blog,haven,t had such a good laugh for ages very funny,weatherlooked alot better for you thsn it did for us on the blue mountain tour you got sum excellent pics of the three sistersnot so sure about the trouser eating bum though! any way not be too long now till we,ll be seing you,good luck with the job front t.t.f.n mum&dad