Hello or should i say NAMASTE!!!
Time for an update from Adelaide now that things are coming along.
So this week Mel had a week off which was nice. I decided in all my wisdom that we would go to Bikram yoga and dragged Mel along with me. Now Bikram yoga was described to me as yoga in a hot room, which would be prefect for me becuase i always get mega cold when yogaing. So along we trot to the yoga school in the city ( supposidly a very good one) for the most bizarre expereince of my life. after being made to feel like total fools for being in the front row insetad of the back we began with breathing excercises which basically was the whole room making whale noises - i kind of realsied then and their that most of my eneergy was going to be used keeping a straight face. It is actually the most exhausting thing i have ever done, its 90 mins of bending in places you shouldnt bend in 30degrees. The thing is your to scared to leave its like your locked in, it was so funny But you feel sooo good after. Mel and I then proceeded to retoxinate our bodies with coffee and brunch! - Sarah i am taking you to bikram when you come so you can back me up on this!
This week i also had my first few shifts in temping childcare. Alison Mel's sister works in a catholic school where they have a pre-school childcare facility. I spent 2 days there this week, just as a little extra source of income and really enjoyed it. I was in the toddler room with the children. It is quite tough becuase all the children are of different stages of development, i.e some in nappies, some able to understand instructions some not etc. and you have to have eyes everywhere all the time. I have to say i have never had a job where I appreciated my break so much, simply for the quiet! I am still working at the cafe and really enjoying it, but with the "tought times" i may not be able to get as many hours as i would like, still i am happy to stay there becuase i enjoy the work and the people which is more important.
This weekend Becky my fellow box office bunnykin was in Adelaide! So on Friday night i braved driving into the city to meet her for a night out on the town. The driving went well despite not being able to work the windscreen wipers or understand the parking rules, but mel was on the other end of the phone with instructions so it was ok. Becky and I first met for coffee in the night market, which ws nice becuase i have not been to the Market at night before and the atmosphere was really good. We then mat Dave ( lipson cafe) laura ( oz intro) and lauras friend for japanese at the cool restraunt where you take your shoes off- which as per usual was yummy yummy. We then went to a few bars on Rundel Street, and it was great from my perspective to just be able to stay out even if i couldnt partake in a glass of vino!
Anyway thats about it from the land of oz for this week. I am now about to get planning on Sarahs visit in a few weeks :)
love to all
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