Granny gave me the URL for your site last weekend - it is now bookmarked, and I've managed to finally get around to sending you a message. I have now read all your entries, a source of comfort for everyone back home to learn of your continuing adventures, and to know your are save and well. It sounds as though your Mum will have a drinking partner when you finally return home :-)!
I think you are going to learn a lot on your trip, including how to live on a tight budget/manage your money - one of the reasons the world is in the mess it is right now is because too many people just cannot live within their means. It is one of the reasons I took up camping in my student days - it was cheap, it was fun, and it removed the hassle and scheduling associated with organising accomodation - you can simply setup camp pretty much anywhere at any time.
Granny tells me you are interested in going to New Zeeland, but don't know whether you will have the cash to do so. Do it! You are so close already, and you never know when you are going to be able to pass that way again. I don't mind chipping in some money for you to be able to make that trip. I will ask Ruth to send you a message telling you what she thinks the best trails are. The Milford trail is world famous and you have to book ages in advance, but it may not be the best trail - I was certainly disappointed with the West Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, and that trail is similarly world-renowned for some reason - there are lots of better trails in Canada to do.
I am very busy with work at my new Company, Juniper Networks - I left Nortel at the end of February. It is difficult being the new kid on the block - you're the dumb ass, the guy who knows nothing. So I am putting in lots of extra hours to address the steep learning curve and become an effective team member ASAP.
Killers are an excellent band, but MY band is, and always will be, Status Quo.
Well, I must get back yo painting one of my upstairs bedrooms - the first coat should be dry by now.
Love and best wishes.
hi guysss!!! :)
how is europe? hope ur having a wicked time!! just thought i'd leave u a message to say hi!!