Across The Pond (BC and the Americas 2015)
Totally nailing this stove cooking business!!! And...IT ISNT PASTA!!!! even if we are eating wieners made of chicken! Yes, I hear you, its gross but we are all about the budget and its working and it actually tastes alright. We have come a long way from our pot noodles we will be whipping up roast dinners come September :) TWO PROUD CHEFS!!
- comments
g dad wieners?/sausage?
see you are getting near chicargo i was there 1957 on way to n.y
Kimberly Yeah German sausage I guess!? We cremate them to disguise our thoughts of chicken eye lids x
Kimberly We have been in Chicago for two days now, really enjoying it! Great city! Probably changed a little since then