Hi Guys!
Waiting around for a bus to Taupo so thought Id update my blog from yesterday! I went to Waiotapo Thermal Wonderland, was soooo cool!! Better geothermal stuff than the previous place so glad I went. I also really wanted to see the Champagne Pool thats always on Tv so that was awesome...but it stinks. Awesome to see the lady knox geyser which erupts at 10.15 everyday..altough its encouraged but a guy who puts organic soap into the chamber...bit off a rip off!!! All good fun though (check out the pics!)
I looked around Rotorua this arvo, went into a few shops and purchased some jade jewelery which is made in NZ..really nice stuff some of it is sooo pricey!!
In the evening I went to the Polyanisan Spa..which is only 2 mins away from hostel. Randomly met two girls from Denmark in the que and they invited me with them into a private pool! It was so much fun and they were really lovely girls ( i love this about travelling its great meeting all these people and unexpected things happening!). The temp of the water was about 40 degrees c pretty hot! The little pool overlooked Rotorua Lake though which was relaxing after backpacking in hostels hahaha!! So peaceful there too, so worth the money!!
So off to Taupo today, may stay there a few days as want to do a sky dive but the weather forcast isnt great so may have to wait to jump....eeekkk!!!!!! Marlin is there also so that will be cool...didnt expect to see her so soon!
Lots of love from me and sunny NZ! xxx
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