We got thrown feet first into study again today!
Class started at 8.30am, and the rain has persisted for the 5th or 6th day in a row and it's not looking like it will let up any time soon. It's ok, I kind of prefer it to the sweltering heat and humidity. The course itself is very agriculture based which I was not at all expecting. Today we touched on ethics and business, I was a bit miffed that we didn't touch on the ethics of animal testing and their use in agriculture - boy would I have had a field day! As it is, I often have something to say but our sensei words the question oddly so I choose not to answer. He seems very wise, and I can't explain how in awe I am that he can not only speak english fluently but lecture a topic in it, the only word he has ever had trouble spelling was rhubarb!
I spent the afternoon realising I have reality back home, and a lot of things to start preparing so I finished my first assignment and have moved on to planning my trip around Nagano and Tokyo and preparing for coming home, which I must say I'm looking forward to. I still have moments where I forget I'm in Japan, and then get a bit wonderlust again - I really love it, and it's inspired me to keep travelling despite all the challenges I've faced so far. And I look forward to more.
It's weird but relieving to think I'll be home in less than 2 weeks time, I'm looking forward to many hugs, present giving and seeing my friends, family and floor again. Tomorrow is another rainy day of class!
Until tomorrow
xo Rach
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