So despite my sudden and distressing realisation that in fact I was about to spend a month backpacking in a foreign, asian country and being dropped off at the furthest possible point from my terminal in Sydney and spending well over an hour getting through customs post peak hour sydney trasffic at 7am - I managed to get on the plane and make it to Singapore. I was inbetween some lovely people and sitting being the first class bathrooms which meant A+ for leg space, massive F for neck pain having to look at up the screen. Also a mid range grade for picking all the meat out of the delicious looking food and not having an easily accessed table (sorry lovely thai woman next to me that I woke up too many times because I wanted to put my food down!). I'd like to think I got all my money and cramps back in the form of all the apple juice I got!
I arrived at SIngapore, ran into a lady who was heading to Italy, hoped together there was maccas near by and then parted ways. I made a beeline (or should I say, butterfly line) for the butterfly garden and made a lot of not entirely human fangirl noises as the humidity hit 100%, the thermometer hit 35 degrees and I was standing infront of hundreds of butterfly cocoons and pupae and instars all lined up being nursed as butterflies flew around me. After I finished fangirling and the heavy sweat got the better of me, I wondered around the shops before buying a swipe card to then buy some singapore street food style fried rice for a not so cheap amount, and for the only vegetarian dish in the airport - it was delicious! Then I headed down to the beautiful koi pond where I'm sitting now before I go fill my water bottle and head to the gate for boarding. Current emotions include:
f***, I'm tired.
I could go more to eat.
Why won't those a******s move from the free foot massage machines
I wonder how those koi got that big? GMO?
Those guys are collectively pretty hot - how appropriate is it to hit them with a koi themed pick up line? Are they foregin? What is that accent?
I cant sleep until Im on the plane or I wont sleep
The culture shock is already setting in but luckily no one has asked me about kangaroos or my accent yet! Anyway, upon finding the only available food and animals I think I'm almost ready for the next leg of the journey......Tokyo, here I come!
See you in 12 hours, whoever is out there reading this!
xx Rach
- comments
mum At least half my brain cells have re-booted after only 14 hours sleep and you are so much younger. There is definitly hope for a full recovery but no promises. Just to answer one of your questions, the giant Koi (or indeed even the pip squeaks) are Japanese so I am assuming thay have problems pronouncing their "r's" when speaking in English. They may be beautiful but personality wise, I think you may find them a bit like a cold fish : )