Where do I even beging to describe my day, today?
It all started with my first ever starbucks - not too much, but not very Japanese! Then came the train ride through the most incredible Japanese rural countryside. Every angle had a mountain, and rice paddies and people who waved at the train and little towns, following seeing that I have a view of the Japanese alps from everywhere you stand in Nagano - including my hostel and the train station. You can't escape seeing tall, green, wonderful mountains.
Then was a bus ride through a small mountainside town with a river running through the centre of it. And finally, a hike uphill for about 3km before hitting the most wonderful place I've ever been - a hillside cedar forest. If nothing else came from today, I know for sure that I will spend the rest of my life in forests like this one. I don't have words for the serenity and peace that comes from being in such a peaceful, calming place. This walk uphill was hardly a struggle when I couldn't stop looking around myself at what was pure beauty from every angle. But then, it got better. We had arrived at the Jigojudani Yaen-Koen (monkey park) the wild Japanese macaques appeared. The troop must have been made up of about 50 individuals (INCLUDING BABIES - I cried they were so cute!) all surrounding and swimming in one large onsen, they weren't bothered by humans at all, I got some amazing pictures. I got to apply a lot of my understanding and knowledge from primatology at Uni and actually understood their behaviour and complex heirarchy - it was wonderful!
After a slow meander back to the bus station, then another beyonf scenic ride through the countryside back to Nagano - I farewelled my travel partner who is off to Kyoto tonight before going to a supermarket, getting some bento and coming back to get an early night. Tomorrow, I sadly say goodbye to my new Japanese friend - Hanuka! She speaks fluent english, wants to visit Australia and had a 7 hour written test today to become a teacher, and another oral tomorrow. She is truly lovely, I hope we can keep in touch somehow! But tomorrow, ah, I'm beyond excited. Tomorrow I pass through Matsumoto to visit the elusive alpine area of Kamikochi, that can only by reached by one bus from Matsumoto. No cars, no trains - just the bus. I leave very early but it will be so worth it! I can't believe how soon my trip ends, and how much work I have to do as soon as I get back. I want to come home for my friends and family and also cheese, but life seems much better over here, new adventures everyday, finding out new things about myself and getting clarity on a lot of things. Slowly, I'm learning materialism is useless, and experiences like these are priceless.
Until tomorrow - very exciting! Here I come, Kamikochi!
xo Rach
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