We've been in Edinburgh since Thursday and it's great here. The Georgian architecture and amazing history has been very impressive.
After sleeping for two hours in an airport lounge, we spent most of the morning catching up on sleep in the hostel lounge. There we also met a great girl named Emily who is doing a mirror image of our trip, except she's traveling alone. So we picked her up and have been hanging out ever since. For the latter part of Thursday, we walked a few miles around the city center, saw the ridiculous looking parliament building as well as many sights up on Calton Hill and the Holyrood Palace. I know those names don't mean a whole lot to anyone, even me, but you can assign them to various pictures of cool old buildings that you see in the photo album.
Friday was another day of wandering through town and we spent quite a bit of time at the famous Edinburgh castle. We saw every nook and cranny for what they charged us to get in there! But all in all, the place is amazing in the sense that they built a whole small city within an extinct volcano cragg. The foundation itself which we saw from the outside is probably the most impressive part of the whole thing.
Saturday as I wrote in the other blog, we spent on a tour bus to Lochness.
Sunday, today, we're signed up to go on a tour of the underground. This should narrate and illustrate the underground society that existed hundreds of years ago. And of course I'm sure there will be a ghost story element to it as well. More on that to come.
It's been raining continuously here, and I feel just like I'm back in Oregon, only surrounded by lots of different accents and really old buildings. The change in weather might be contributing to the headcold I've got coming on, but I'm still trying to deny that I 'm getting sick. Luckily they have 'Boots' a huge drugstore where you can get anything you'd ever want.
We'll probably spend the rest of our time in Edinburgh inside museums and coffee shops to get away from the rain.
Hopefully Amsterdam will have a little different weather! Otherwise we'll be shopping for cumbersome rain jackets all over again!
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