We made it to Amsterdam yesterday morning and had a fabulous time meeting Terry, my sister's dad's wife's brother, who is putting us up for a few days. He has a sweet place right in the center of where we'd want to be and it's wonderful! Yesterday we spent the afternoon wandering the city and making note of the ridiculously long street names. I must say, with all the canals and non linear streets, this is the first and hopefully only place where I have no clue where north and south are at any given time!
Besides that, we got some grub at an italian place and when I asked if they had soda the waiter said no, but then went on to say they had coca-cola. Uh ok. So I said yeah that's what I meant, and he proceeded to say, oh ok, you must be American then. Hmm, not even here for more than 30 minutes and already it's obvious. :)
Today, Wednesday, we went to the Van Gogh museum, the Anne Frank house, went to some seed shops, 7-11 type stores for some food, and now have made it to free internet at the library. Can't say I ever thought a library would be on my itinerary but so be it! Next we'll make the stop at the infamous red light district and see what all the hype is about.
Oh yes, and the most important thing our friend Terry told us upon arrival; bikes rule the roads here. Yes, not cars or trams, but bikes. You better get out of the way! I've been living in a constant state of fear let me tell you! The bike lanes look like sidewalks and vice versa, so it's really not too easy to decipher where the heck you're safe walking.
Anyway, tangent, my free internet is about up.
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