Soongies' Great Adventure
When Calvin felt Dutch ´I feel so Dutch now´, Calvin mused while driving the Dutch countryside. Eddy Christiani was enchanting us with his all time classic Daar bij de waterkant (There at the waterfront), pensionados with exit pants cycled and the tulips blossomed in the early spring sun. It even made me feel like I was part of a Dutch touristic promotion video from the fifties, except for the Asian looking Australian behind the steering wheel. When Calvin felt Asian Calvin´s Dutch feeling didn´t last when we rented a boat at Giethoorn and entered National Park de Weerribben. In the fifties this was still an area undiscovered by tourists, but nowadays it´s the Dutch Mecca for Asians. Busloads full of them visit this village every day to get a feel of the The Netherlands at it´s finest. Unfortunately they can´t drive a boat and the canals are narrow. A perfect excuse for us when I directed Calvin in the wrong direction and we had to turn in the middle of a traffic jam. ´He´s Asian, it´s okay.´ Or that moment I steered into undeep waters, the boat got stuck and I could blame Calvin. ´He only drives the tuk tuk back home, can´t blame him.´ People gazed in awe when I took of my pants, put on my swimming gear and got ankle deep into the water to push the boat into open waters. Phone numbers may have been exchanged. Before Calvin felt Dutch Calvin didn´t feel Dutch out of the blue. A day of planning led up towards that moment. It all started with the choirs the day before in Amersfoort [insert link to day before], and continued by visiting the old and square fishing village of Elburg, eating kroketten at the main square of the square village and visiting the UNESCO world heritage site Schokland (once an island, left in fear of the sea and then reclaimed back from the sea in the fourties). After Calvin felt Asian and Dutch Calvin regained his troubled identity later on that evening when we got back home, listened to Australian and Dutch songs and ate sort of Chinese food (tailored for the Dutch market). Songs to remember: Eddy Christiani: Daar bij de waterkant ( 0oHg4) Gerard Cox: Het is weer voorbij die mooie zomer ( CZ5K4) Zanger Rinus: Hey Marlous ( seI0o). Tim will know. Ricky: Genot ( BiPWs) Focus on the give away dance of the lead singer. Left, right, left, right, he gives everyone a piece of happiness.
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