Soongies' Great Adventure
Title: Calvin went with the Big Shots today! Itsn´t it impossible to be Australian and to be good at skiing? Like it´s impossible to be short and Dutch or American and not proud of the red white and blue. Apparently Calvin isn´t Australian because he was selected to be part of the big shots today. From beginners class he leveled up in instant to level 1 and that was the last time we saw Calvin that January morning. From the top of the ski lift we saw him dragpoling under us. He smiled. Like he knew what he was doing. Little did we know the danger that was up ahead. Kate, Rianne and Jeroen (futurely referenced as I, me or myself). As first time ski lifters we entered the lift with grace and confidence, but the descent was less from perfect. I tried to pull up the bar 10 metres before arrivel, meanwhile I kept my feet on the bar beneath the lift blocking a possible pull up. What happened in the 10 metres after that was just sheer panic. The lady at the desk abrubtly brought the ski lift to a stop. The bar opened, I skied down, Kate fell and Rianne fell and broke her both poles. Her ski poles, not the legs. Tears were shed, but not at this point. The beginners party started with a cross country of 1 kilometer. We didn´t lose a group member there, but I wouldn´t have been surprised if the 60 year old French beginner (Gilles) would have broken down from exhaustion. We did lose Gilles later on that winter morning when he tried to do a snow plow turn (pizza point turn) and never turned and never stopped. He´s in a safer place now. Kate, Rianne and I were making progress on the slippery slopes of Les 2 Alpes. At the end of the morning we knew how to turn and stop and were allowed to stay with the group. Rudolpho, the instructor, even applauded us for our technique after only one day of skiing. Except me, because I´m man and should perform accordingly. After that appraisel, Rianne fell at the end of ski lift again, Kate ran into her and I did a 720 frontflip just for fun. What an end of a perfect morning. Meanwhile Calvin had been skiing at an altitude of 3200 metres, taking photos of the Mont Blanc, going off piste, doing backflips and skiing backwards. At least, that´s what he told us when we met him back at the apartment. However, we ate an omelet with a baguette and then went for the second round of skiing after this lunch. Kate, determined to become better then Tony Hawk on his skateboard, stayed out till the sun went down. Calvin, because he´s her husband, had to stay and support. Rianne and I went back to the rental store to get new poles. ´Oui oui, un accident!' Future Kate and future Calvin also like to know what they ate for dinner on this particular evening. So pay attention future Kate and future Calvin. We ate at La Porte d'à côté. Calvin you ate the most amazing lamb and Kate you had a burger but without the bread and you ended up using the free table bread as substitute. Remember to look up your review on TripAdvisor.
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Amanda Legend Calvin