Claire and I were "The 2 English Ladies" today at the Farmers' Market. It was a hoot. Not only was I selling remarkable food, I was fascinated by the assortment and diversity of the people who shop at the Market... I was completely entertained by my own imagination for hours. AND we backed up and hooked up the trailer all by our own selves!!! (You rock Claire!)
My girls are babysitting their little cousins for the weekend and my boys are still working sun up to sun down - so that leaves me quite alone - a first in a very long time! After the Farmers' Market, I wandered the eclectic shops of downtown Chico, at my own pace, and again enjoyed the variety of cultures and concepts of city life (not to mention the 82 degree weather!).
I happened upon the most fantastic tree near a bench in the middle of nowhere-in-particular. It was loaded with hand written notes tied all over its branches. I inspected the notes and discovered The Tree of Gratitude. A box with blank notes was attached to the tree waiting for the words of those who felt their gratitude worth sharing. It was powerful and magical and so subtly inconspicuous - which made it all the more enchanting. I was thrilled to become part of the anonymous many with so much to be thankful for... and as I read the notes, both weathered and new, not one heart made reference in their gratitude for "stuff."
The Tree of Gratitude was blooming with love!
- comments
sharon well, my gratitude is that today i was home long enough to clean 3 bathrooms, vacuum and do some laundry!
Vic +2*C=35*F 8:20pm Sat Oct 15 It's nice to feel the flush of warmth that comes indoors to exposed skin. Where did those three California girls go?
Grama-Belle Iam so Blessed by the Gratitude in my heart for each of your special entries, Roz. keep 'em coming!!
Heidi Love, love, love this.