Beautiful day in Pulau Pinang. We headed to the beach using the usual cheap air-conditioned public transport system. After some research on the internet we discovered that the Park Royal hotel in Batu Feringghi (Feringgi Beach on the north coast of the island) has a day pass available. It was 40.60 ringgits (weekdays) per person to have use of the pool and beach, sunbeds, beach towels, use of private showers plus a 23 ringgit discount each off their menus. It worked out at £22.24 for the two of us today including lunch and drinks. The menu prices were pretty steep though - not what we are used to on our Flashpacker budget. The hotel's clientelle was bizarrely mixed, bikini-clad Aussies sat next to Burkhini-clad Saudi Arabians. Malaysia's state religion is Islam so I guess the Saudis feel comfortable here. See Paul's photos of the luxury we enjoyed. As we lay in the shade of coconut palms enjoying the breeze it occured to us that we don't discuss the weather much, in the UK everything you do revolves around it. Here, it's gonna be hot and sunny and there might or might not be a brief shower in the afternoon but that's all. I am using Penang Island wifi to write this blog, it is a wifi system that you can access anywhere on the island in public places for free, you just need to register - take note Wirral Borough council!
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