Just another day in the life of volunteer travellers
Ahhhh, we have Spanish lesions at night today and not in the morning so we got to have a sleep in for an hour. When we got to school, the morning started with a huge bag of broad beans needing to be 'top and tailed.'
By popular demand we played more snakes and ladders, this time big numbers only. The kids were getting it, first missing the 'ty' sound off the end of all the numbers 20 to 99 but after a while they were getting them.
Lunch for us was followed by a very painful session with the fleas. Lovely little s***s wouldn't eat some things, especially a few of them. I think part of the problem is they love getting the attention. We had to separate the last ones, followed by making one stand and then later making the final two go in the kitchen and stand to eat.
Later I found pieces of potato on the ground and a moulded handful of rice on a chair..... I'll get him. I do know it's the tricks I know we all would have done from time to time.
Sarah was helping with the fleas activities while I watched the last angels finish eating and cleaned.
Later Clarita asked for some help carting some rice to the taxi to exchange it at the market. She joked about asking Sarah for permission which the kitchen ladies loved. No es me jefa (boss), es me novia. (girlfriend). We all had a good laugh and I do like being able to understand jokes in Spanish. An earlier day the ladies asked me to open el puerto, which is the door, while pointing at the windows up high. Makes sense, they are high. I took the keys and got up on a chair where they pointed out the gate that had someone banging on it, on the other side of the window. Later when I asked for the key to the toilet they pointed out it goes to the bathroom door, not the window. Thanks ladies.
Anyway, these bags of rice were massive and heavier than I'm lifted for a long time. I got bag outside and back for the other. We get all the way and the rice shop only to find out it is closed, so back to the school and time to put the rice where they were, dam!
The end of another day meant it was time to go through the markets again and this time past a lady barbecuing chicken feet. I really can't imagine there would be much meat on those. Then we came apon a lovely dear in a fruit and vegetable stall who was so nice, cheap and gave us a chile for free..... oh you lovely little dear will have our gringo business from now on.
Another night of great chicken and cashews for dinner followed by Spanish lesions. The end to another long day. This working thing is hard!!!
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