The bus only takes about an hour and when we arrive the Israeli gets off too. She speaks Spanish and also knows where a hostel is so we latch on. She also picks up another straggler, a german girl, I forget her name (or just couldn't pronounce it and therefor didn't take any notice) but the Israeli's name is gabby. The hostels fine, nice and cheap and simple. Gabby then suggests we go out to the beach and look at the stars? Having nothing better to do we go all go out to the beach to look at the stars. This interests me for about a minute before me and Dyson suggest going to get some beer from somewhere. We wonder round for ages trying to find a happy hour and even wonder into someones wedding before we finally settle in a bar pretty much right next to the hostel. Me and Dyson drink while the other two don't. I'm intrigued by gabby's situation and quiz her on a few things. Being a hippy I obviously completely disagree with her whole outlook on life but thought it'd be amusing to listen to her ramble. For instance, I asked if she home schooled her three children, to which she replied "yea, when we can be bothered but I prefer them go to the school of the world, go out and meet and socialise with the locals"... There was me all this time thinking you need education and qualifications to get a job but actually a chat with an 8 year old Peruvian child is quite adequate, congratulations on raising three binmen. Her life did actually sound quite cool but I just disagreed with her parenting skills. Anyways, they left early as they had an early start, we stayed as we didn't. Next morning I felt fine, woke up, got some eggs and bread and cooked breakfast. It became quite apparent quite quickly that there was f*** all to do here. We'd booked our tour to the ballesta islands the next day (Thursday) so had nothing to do today. We mooches like we've never mooches before. Champions league semi finally took up some time but other than that we did nothing. The beach was horrible and fishy so we couldn't even chill there. Next day we woke early to go on our tour of the ballesta islands. It left at 8 so we went to the office for 7.45. When at the peer we once again got stung for a park entrance fee AND a peer tax before getting on the boat. The tour was ok, loads and loads of birds (not really interested in birds apart from cool ones, eagles etc, these were lame seagull type birds) and some sleepy sea lions on some rocks. The brown rocky island was covered in white so it also stunk of bird s*** (I didn't think it stunk either but apparently if there's enough of it, it does). We went round the islands for a bit and then headed back to shore. Saw a few dolphins on the way back to (again dolphins don't do much for me in terms of marine life, more into sharks and killer whales). By the time we got back it was ten am and we were stuck in the same position as we were yesterday. We decides to go to the next town for a wonder as it was a bigger place. A taxi offered us a ride in his "smaller than a fiat uno taxi" for 2.5 each. He also picked up two more along the way and squeezed dyson into the middle. When we got to pisco it was basically just a bigger s***hole. We had a wonder but couldn't find anything to do so we just went to the supermarket, got some food and went back. The taxi we got tried to skank us but we had none of it. We then continued doing nothing all day, evening and night. Next day was much of the same, I woke early and did nothing round the hostel until 2 o'clock finally rolled round and it was time to leave fir our bus to Lima for my birthday weekend of messiness! Finally I could let loose and party, it'd been like a week since the last one!
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