Hey, Wanaka is a smallish town just north of Queenstown. The views down from Franz Josef were amazing and the picture above shows how still the lakes were that the mountains reflected perfectly on the surface, funnnily enough this lakes were called "mirror lakes"
Another stop off on the way down was an amazing place called puzzle bring out our inner child!!! There was a maze annd an illusion room, the illusion room was cool with loads of funny mirrors, rooms which made you look tiny or huge, faces that followed you around the room and a room that was at a 45 degree angle!!
Hannah didnt do the maze but she missed out big time! Itwas pretty hard and you had to find the 4 corners before you could get out, me and our friend emma found the 1st 2 the found an emergency exit, went for breakfast then headed back into the maze and 'found' the other 2 (we got to 1 by crawling under the fence!) but we didnt tell anyone so the people who couldnt get to all 4 were pretty jealous!!!
When we arrived in Wanaka itself it was amazing, the weather was the best it had been so far and the huge lake was brillaintly clear and very very cold!!!
Anyway we hope everyone is ok back home and everything is going well. Much love Rich and Hannah (although we have just realised that hannah hasn't done a blog since christmas day!!!!) so i really should just say from Rich!!!
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