Hey. After being told rotorua smells bad...we weren't dissapointed. The place reeks of eggs.
this is basically because the place is full of geysers whihc are constantly erupting sulphur into the air. We went to a place where one of the geysers is continusely erupting...the smell was really bad here but it was an amazing thing to see. THere were also hot mud pools spitting up mud everywhere whichw was cool but again it stank!!
After that we decided to try Zorbing, which is basically where you sit in a huge ball filled with water and roll down a hill. we noth did the zigzag corse which wasnt as fast but it lasted longer and you went all over the place and got soaked! This was so much fun though and a real laugh.
In the evening arranged to visit a traditional Maori village where they performed a welcomign ceremony and did a performnce of the HAKA. THis was really cool and good way to see traditional Maori values. they also put on the most amazing spread of food you could imagine, we both certainly got our monies worth!!!
Hope everyone is well back home and we hope its getting warmer now!!
Rich and Hannah xxx
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